This website offers patients, doctors and scientists the opportunity to connect to licensed doctors who use adult stem cells as part of their clinical practice outside of the United States and Canada. Because stem cell therapy is not the standard of care, the following important disclosures are made:

  • The science of treatment with adult stem cells is in its infancy.

  • The treatments described on are not approved by the US FDA and are not considered to be standard of care for any condition or disease.

  • There could be significant and unknown risks associated with adult stem cell treatments, as long-term studies have not been performed.

  • For most diseases no prospective, randomized clinical trials of adult stem cells have been performed, therefore no guarantee of safety or effectiveness is made or implied.

  • Treatments by licensed doctors will only be performed after the patient understands and agrees to informed consent.

  • The results of testimonials of people who appear on this website who have undergone stem cell treatment are not necessarily typical.

  • If you are accepted for treatment by a doctor, the treatment will not be performed in the USA or Canada.

To access and fill out the application you must first agree that you have read and understand all of the statements above.

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Copyright © 2009 Cell Medicine  2/18/2025