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Stem Cell Related Patent Number US5073481

Title:Assay to detect the presence of live virus in vitro
Inventors:Zeldis, Jerome B.; Newton Highlands, MA, USA
Gale, Robert P.; Bel Air, CA, USA
Steinberg, Howard N.; Brookline, MA, USA
Summary:This invention describes a method of detecting a live hepatitis virus in vitro by incubating the sample with human bone marrow cells of leukemia cell lines. Described herein is a detection assay for the presence of live hepatitis viruses in vitro such that bone marrow cells of leukemic cell lines are exposed to a body fluid or to a biological preparation to be tested and the cells are placed in suspension. Further disclosed are properties by which a live hepatitis virus has been shown to suppress the growth of colonies of stem cells, thereby allowing for the number of colonies grown in the mixture to be counted as an indication of the presence of the live hepatitis virus, such that a number less than that present in a culture of cells determined not to contain a live virus would reveal the presence of the live hepatitis virus in the sample being tested. Therapeutic applications are included for the use of this assay in determining the presence of the live hepatitis B virus in a vaccine.
Abstract:An assay to detect the presence of live hepatitis viruses in vitro. Bone marrow cells of leukemic cell line cells are exposed to a body fluid or biological preparation to be tested and the cells are placed in suspension. When using bone marrow cells, growth factors to the bone marrow stem cells are added. It has been determined that presence of a live hepatitis virus suppresses the growth of colonies of the stem cells. Therefore, if the number of colonies growing in the mixture are less than that number present in a culture of cells exposed to a sample that has been determined to contain no live virus, live hepatitis virus is present in the sample tested. The assay is particularly useful to determine the presence of live hepatitis B virus in a vaccine.
US Patent Website:Click Here for Full Text of Patent
Title Number:US5073481
Application Number:US1989000443823
Date Filed:30/11/1989
Date Published:17/12/1991
Assignee:Beth Israel Hospital Association, Boston, MA, USA

Copyright © 2007 The Institute for Cellular Medicine  10/18/2024