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Stem Cell Related Patent Number US5677139

Title:In vitro differentiation of CD34.sup.+ progenitor cells into T lymphocytes
Inventors:Johnson, R. Paul; Lexington, MA, USA
Summary:This invention introduces a method for in vitro T cell production via the co-culturing of progenitor cells with thymic stromal cells. Described herein is a process by which a monolayer of non-human primate thymic stromal cells are cocultured in vitro with primate hematopoietic T cell progenitor cells, resulting in the differentiation and growth of mature T cells. Further disclosed are methods by which the T cells may be genetically altered or isolated at any sequential stage of differentiation and further expanded by co-culture with a mitogenic agent. Also provided are kits and novel populations of T cells. Therapeutic and experimental applications are included for screening the effects of test compounds, and in genetic alteration and immune supplementation.
Abstract:The invention involves a method for the in vitro T cell production. A monolayer of non-human primate thymic stromal cells are cocultured in vitro with primate hematopoietic T cell progenitor cells. This results in the differentiation and growth of mature T cells. The T cells may be isolated at any sequential stage of differentiation and further expanded by coculture with a mitogenic agent. The T cells also may be genetically altered at any stage of the process. The effect of agents on the growth and differentiation of T cells may be measured by comparing a coculture containing the agent with a control coculture and comparing the differentiation or growth of the T cells progenitor cells in the test culture with the control culture. Kits and novel populations of T cells are provided.
US Patent Website:Click Here for Full Text of Patent
Title Number:US5677139
Application Number:US1995000426782
Date Filed:21/04/1995
Date Published:14/10/1997
Assignee:President and Fellows of Harvard College, Cambridge, MA, USA

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