Methods comprising apoptosis inhibitors for the generation of transgenic pigs

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Stem Cell Related Patent Number US5731489

Title:Transgenic rats containing at least one human gene which participates in blood pressure control
Inventors:Ganten, Detlev; 6900 Heidelberg, Germany
Mullins, John; Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Murakami, Kazuo; Ibaraki-Ken, Japan
Summary:This invention describes a transgenic rat containing at least one human expression gene for blood pressure regulation. Such transgenic rats contain a genome of which at least one human gene is integrated into the gene product which participates in blood pressure control. More specifically, the invention relates to transgenic rats and their offspring exhibiting increased blood pressure (>90/>140 mm Hg) or high blood pressure (>95/>160 mm Hg), via a transgene which encodes human renin and at least one transgene encoding human angiotensinogen, thereby producing the abnormally high systolic and diastolic pressures. Further disclosed are processes for the production of the transgenic rats and their offspring and their uses in pharmacological studies and screening.
Abstract:The present invention relates to transgenic rats in the genome of which at least one human gene is integrated the gene product of which participates in blood pressure control. More specifically, the invention relates to transgenic rats and their offspring exhibiting increased blood pressure (>90/>140 mm Hg) or high blood pressure (>95/>160 mm Hg). Finally, the invention relates to processes for the production of the transgenic rats of the present invention and their offspring and their use for pharmacological tests.
US Patent Website:Click Here for Full Text of Patent
Title Number:US5731489
Application Number:US1995000373495
Date Filed:17/01/1995
Date Published:24/03/1998
Assignee:Ganten; Detlev, Heidelberg, Germany

Copyright © 2007 The Institute for Cellular Medicine  3/12/2025