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3D Culture/Scaffold

Stem Cell Related Patent Number US5750376

Title:In vitro growth and proliferation of genetically modified multipotent neural stem cells and their progeny
Inventors:Weiss, Samuel; Alberta, Canada
Reynolds, Brent; Alberta, Canada
Hammang, Joseph P.; Barrington, RI, USA
Baetge, E. Edward; Barrington, RI, USA
Summary:This invention describes a method of producing genetically modified neural stem cells, and methods of their use in the production of growth factor products. Described herein is a process for combining mammalian neural tissue cells with a serum-free culture medium containing at least one growth factor and inducing proliferation of genetically modified neural cells from embryonic, juvenile, or adult mammalian neural tissue. Further disclosed are methods by which the resulting undifferentiated progeny may be induced to differentiate into neurons, astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes. Claims of the invention include the transfection of the proliferating neural cells with exogenous DNA to produce genetically modified neural stem cell progeny, such that the genetic modification may be used to produce biologically useful proteins such as growth factor products, growth factor receptors, neurotransmitters, neurotransmitter receptors, neuropeptides and neurotransmitter synthesizing genes.
Abstract:A method for producing genetically modified neural cells comprises culturing cells derived from embryonic, juvenile, or adult mammalian neural tissue with one or more growth factors that induce multipotent neural stem cells to proliferate and produce multipotent neural stem cell progeny which include more daughter multipotent neural stem cells and undifferentiated progeny that are capable of differentiating into neurons, astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes. The proliferating neural cells can be transfected with exogenous DNA to produce genetically modified neural stem cell progeny. The genetic modification can be for the production of biologically useful proteins such as growth factor products, growth factor receptors, neurotransmitters, neurotransmitter receptors, neuropeptides and neurotransmitter synthesizing genes. The multipotent neural stem cell progeny can be continuously passaged and proliferation reinitiated in the presence of growth factors to result in an unlimited supply of neural cells for transplantation and other purposes. Culture conditions can be provided that induce the genetically modified multipotent neural stem cell progeny to differentiate into neurons, astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes in vitro.
US Patent Website:Click Here for Full Text of Patent
Title Number:US5750376
Application Number:US1995000483122
Date Filed:07/06/1995
Date Published:12/05/1998
Assignee:NeuroSpheres Holdings Ltd., Calgary, Canada

Copyright © 2007 The Institute for Cellular Medicine  3/12/2025