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Stem Cell Related Patent Number US5766944

Title:T cell differentiation of CD34+ stem cells in cultured thymic epithelial fragments
Inventors:Ruiz, Margaret Eileen; Chevy Chase, MD, USA
Summary:Described herein is a method of differentiating stem cells into immunocompetent T cells via a process of co-culturing with thymic epithelial fragments. The invention relates to a procedure for carrying out T cell differentiation of CD34+ stem cells in an in vitro culture of thymic epithelial fragments whereby the differentiated T cells achieve full immunocompetence. Further disclosed are methods by which stem cells may be differentiated from HIV seropositive individuals or genetically modified as needed. Claims of the invention include broad applications to cultured thymic epithelial fragments and to the verification of the true immunocompetence of the resulting T cells. Also provided are methods for analyzing the effects of various compounds on the differentiation process. Therapeutic applications are included for the grafting of fortified cultured thymic epithelial fragments and the infusing of immunocompetent T cells into patients with compromised immune systems, such as in the treatment of HIV to improve immune function.
Abstract:A procedure for carrying out T cell differentiation of CD34+ stem cells in an in vitro culture of thymic epithelial fragments whereby the differentiated T cells achieve full immunocompetence. The invention also includes the procedure for differentiation of stem cells from HIV seropositive individuals or genetically modified stem cells. The invention broadly relates to the culture of cultured thymic epithelial fragments and provides procedures for verifying true immunocompetence of the resulting T cells and for analyzing the effects of various compounds on the differentiation process. The invention also comprises several novel applications for utilizing the procedure of the invention, including grafting fortified cultured thymic epithelial fragments and infusing immunocompetent T cells into patients with compromised immune systems.
US Patent Website:Click Here for Full Text of Patent
Title Number:US5766944
Application Number:US1996000775509
Date Filed:31/12/1996
Date Published:16/06/1998

Copyright © 2007 The Institute for Cellular Medicine  10/18/2024