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Stem Cell Clinic
Patient Application
3D Culture/Scaffold

Stem Cell Related Patent Number US5888499

Title:Method for increasing neutrophil populations using in vitro-derived human neutrophil precursor cells
Inventors:Bender, James G.; Lindenhurst, IL, USA
Maples, Phillip B.; Waukegan, IL, USA
Smith, Stephen; Arlington Heights, IL, USA
Unverzagt, Kristen L.; Palatine, IL, USA
Van Epps, Dennis E.; Cary, IL, USA
Summary:Described herein is a therapeutic method of correcting an abnormally low level of neutrophils, via the administration of a suspension of human neutrophil precursor cells wherein the cellular component is comprised of approximately 16% of CD15+CD11b- human neutrophil precursor cells and less than approximately 5% of CD34+ colony forming units such that approximately 60% or more of the precursor cells are myeloblasts and promyelocytes. Specific examples are included for the treatment of neutropenia in a human patient.
Abstract:A suspension comprising human neutrophil precursor cells, wherein the cellular component is comprised of at least about 16% human myeloblasts and promyeclocytes, which have been derived from neutrophis progenitor cells obtained from peripheral blood, bone marrow or cord blood, and less than about 5% colony forming units (CFU) of at least about 50 cells is provided. An alternative suspension comprising human neutrophil precursor cells, wherein the cellular component is comprised of at least about 16% CD15+CD11b- cells and less than about 5% colony forming units (CFU) of at least about 50 cells also is provided, wherein at least about 60% of the CD15+CD11b- cells are myeloblasts and promyelocytes. The suspensions of the invention are useful in methods for increasing neutrophil populations in a patient having a reduced populations of neutrophils.
US Patent Website:Click Here for Full Text of Patent
Title Number:US5888499
Application Number:US1995000481894
Date Filed:07/06/1995
Date Published:30/03/1999
Assignee:Nexell Therapeutics Inc., Irvine, CA, USA

Copyright © 2007 The Institute for Cellular Medicine  1/22/2025