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Stem Cell Clinic
Patient Application
3D Culture/Scaffold

Stem Cell Related Patent Number US5906940

Title:Culturing cells on macroporous glass carriers coated with gelatin, extracellular matrix protein and stromal cells
Inventors:Wandrey, Christian; Julich, Germany
Biselli, Manfred; Julich, Germany
Schroder, Bernd; Julich, Germany
Schmoll, Hans-Joachim; Hanover, Germany
Summary:This invention introduces a method of cultivating immature human or animal organ-function cells to obtain both mature differentiated cells and progenitor cells. Described herein is a fluidized bed cell culture reactor which includes a module for bubble-free gas exchange, a supported silicon-based membrane and an immobilizing substrate. Methods of the invention include cultivating the stem cells in a fluidized bed system on macroporous glass carrier bodies that have been treated with a structure protein such as gelatin and an extracellular matrix protein such as fibronectin, and coated with a stroma cell layer. Further disclosed are techniques by which mature differentiated organ-function cells are developed and released from the carriers which are harvested from the reactor while retaining the progenitor organ-function cells. Growth and regulatory factors are provided, as are methods by which organ-function cells may be cultivated and produced from immobilized stromal cells in the reactor in the absence of the organ-function cells.
Abstract:Stem cells or other organ-function cells are cultivated in a fluidized bed system on macroporous glass carrier bodies treated with a structure protein such as gelatin and an extracellular matrix protein such as fibronectin, and coated with a stroma cell layer. Glass carriers coated with gelatin are added to a fluidized bed reactor, and a culture medium containing an extracellular matrix protein is added to bind the protein to the gelatin. Stromal cells are then added and the cells are cultured to immobilize the cells on the carriers containing the bound protein. Immature organ-function cells are added to the reactor, and while generating a fluidized bed of the carriers in the culture medium, the culture medium is recirculated from and to the reactor in a recirculation loop. Bubble-free aeration of the culture medium is effected to cultivate the immature organ-function cells on the carriers to obtain both mature differentiated organ-function cells and progenitor organ-function cells. Mature differentiated organ-function cells which are released from the carriers are harvested from the reactor while retaining the progenitor organ-function cells which adhere to the carriers to provide an equilibrium between the harvested mature differentiated organ-function cells, the progenitor cells and the immature cells added to the reactor. Growth and regulatory factors for cultivating organ-function cells can be produced by culturing immobilized stromal cells in the reactor in the absence of the organ-function cells.
US Patent Website:Click Here for Full Text of Patent
Title Number:US5906940
Application Number:US1996000602137
Date Filed:15/02/1996
Date Published:25/05/1999
Assignee:Forschungszentrum Julich GmbH, Julich, Germany

Copyright © 2007 The Institute for Cellular Medicine  3/12/2025