Methods comprising apoptosis inhibitors for the generation of transgenic pigs

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3D Culture/Scaffold

Stem Cell Related Patent Number US5922601

Title:High efficiency gene trap selection of regulated genetic loci
Inventors:Baetscher, Manfred; Winchester, MA, USA
Nir, Waan-Jeng; Reading, MA, USA
Summary:This invention describes a novel gene trap useful for the identification of genes regulated in response to physiological and pathological processes. Fully detailed is a gene trap construct for identification of genes whose activity is regulated upon a cellular transition event which comprises in downstream sequence involving a cassette with a functional splice acceptor, a translation stop sequence and an internal ribosome entry site, and a promoterless protein coding sequence encoding at least one polypeptide providing positive and negative selection traits. Further disclosed is a method for identification of genes whose activity is regulated upon a cellular transition event by introducing the gene trap construct into a cell and observing expression of the positive and/or negative selection traits before and after the transition event.
Abstract:A gene trap construct for identification of genes whose activity is regulated upon a cellular transition event which comprises in downstream sequence (i) a cassette having a functional splice acceptor, a translation stop sequence and an internal ribosome entry site and (ii) a promoterless protein coding sequence encoding at least one polypeptide providing positive and negative selection traits. A method for identification of genes whose activity is regulated upon a cellular transition event by introducing the gene trap construct into a cell and observing expression of the positive and/or negative selection traits before and after the transition event.
US Patent Website:Click Here for Full Text of Patent
Title Number:US5922601
Application Number:US1996000716854
Date Filed:16/09/1996
Date Published:13/07/1999
Assignee:BioTransplant, Inc., Charlestown, MA, USA

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