Methods comprising apoptosis inhibitors for the generation of transgenic pigs

Stem Cell Clinic
Patient Application
3D Culture/Scaffold

Stem Cell Related Patent Number US6008010

Title:Method and apparatus for holding cells
Inventors:Greenberger, Joel S.; Sewickley, PA, USA
DiMilla, Paul A.; Gibsonia, PA, USA
Domach, Michael M.; Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Houck, Raymond K.; Oakmont, PA, USA
Summary:This invention consists of an apparatus for holding, incubating and determining the state of individual cells within a plurality of cells. The incubating mechanism contains a housing with a biochamber that is a dynamically controlled and closed environment in which the cells are grown, which is maintained in a desired condition and in which each individual cell can be examined while the cells remain in place in a location in which they are grown relative to the biochamber and while the environment is dynamically controlled and maintained in the desired condition. The incubating mechanism further consists of a means for automatically determining the state of each individual cell over time. Such features and methods of operation are further disclosed.
Abstract:The present invention pertains to an apparatus for holding cells. The apparatus comprises a mechanism for incubating cells having a dynamically controlled closed environment in which the cells are grown, which are maintained in a desired condition and in which cells can be examined while the environment is dynamically controlled and maintained in the desired condition. The apparatus also comprises a mechanism for determining the state of the cells. The determining mechanism is in communication with the incubating mechanism. The present invention pertains to a method for holding cells. The method comprises the steps of incubating the cells in a dynamically controlled closed environment which is maintained in a desired condition and in which the cells can be examined while the environment is dynamically controlled and maintained in the desired condition. Additionally, there is the step of determining the state of the cells.
US Patent Website:Click Here for Full Text of Patent
Title Number:US6008010
Application Number:US1996000741628
Date Filed:01/11/1996
Date Published:28/12/1999
Assignee:University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Copyright © 2007 The Institute for Cellular Medicine  10/22/2024