Methods comprising apoptosis inhibitors for the generation of transgenic pigs

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Stem Cell Related Patent Number US6187992

Title:Transgenic mouse having a disrupted amyloid precursor protein gene
Inventors:Zheng, Hui; Rahway, NJ, USA
Chen, Howard Y.; Rahway, NJ, USA
Trumbauer, Myrna E.; Rahway, NJ, USA
van der Ploeg, Leonardus H. T.; Rahway, NJ, USA
Seabrook, Guy; Harlow, United Kingdom
Sirinathsinghji, Dalip; Harlow, United Kingdom
Summary:This invention describes a transgenic mouse comprising a genomic disruption which produces no functional amyloid precursor protein as a result of this gene disruption. Described herein are specific methods of producing a transgenic nonhuman animal lacking native amyloid precursor protein as a result of a genome which contains a disruption of the gene encoding amyloid precursor protein (APP), such that functional APP is not produced. The mouse thus exhibits a phenotype selected from impaired long-term potentiation, a decrease in presynaptic markers, a decrease in dendritic marker MAP-2 in the cortex, an increase of dendritic marker MAP-2 in CA1 pyramidal cells in the hippocampus, and/or weight loss as compared to a wild-type mice. Such a transgenic mouse model may be useful in the study of Alzheimer's Disease and disorders involving the central nervous system.
Abstract:The present invention relates to a transgenic nonhuman animal lacking native amyloid precursor protein. The transgenic mouse of the invention may be used in the study of Alzheimer's Disease and disorders involving the central nervous system.
US Patent Website:Click Here for Full Text of Patent
Title Number:US6187992
Application Number:US1999000266475
Date Filed:11/03/1999
Date Published:13/02/2001
Assignee:Merck and co., Inc., Rahway, NJ, USA Merck Frosst Canada and Co., Kirkland, Canada

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