Methods comprising apoptosis inhibitors for the generation of transgenic pigs

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3D Culture/Scaffold

Stem Cell Related Patent Number US6235970

Title:CICM cells and non-human mammalian embryos prepared by nuclear transfer of a proliferating differentiated cell or its nucleus
Inventors:Stice, Steven L.; Belchertown, MA, USA
Cibelli, Jose; Amherst, MA, USA
Robl, James; Belchertown, MA, USA
Golueke, Paul; Belchertown, MA, USA
Ponce de Leon, F. Abel; Amherst, MA, USA
Jerry, D. Joseph; Shutesbury, MA, USA
Summary:Described herein are improved methods of cloning mammals via an activated nuclear transfer unit prepared from a differentiated mammalian cell or cell nucleus and enucleated mammalian oocyte. Claimed improvements of the invention relate to the transplantation of donor differentiated cell nuclei into enucleated oocytes of the same species, resulting in nuclear transfer units which are useful for the multiplication of genotypes and transgenic genotypes by the production of fetuses and offspring, and for the production of isogenic cultured inner cell mass (CICM) cells, including human isogenic embryonic or stem cells. Further claims of the invention include the facilitated production of genetically engineered or transgenic mammalian embryos, fetuses and offspring, involving a differentiated cell source of the donor nuclei which can be genetically modified and clonally propagated.
Abstract:An improved method of nuclear transfer involving the transplantation of donor differentiated cell nuclei into enucleated oocytes of the same species as the donor cell is provided. The resultant nuclear transfer units are useful for multiplication of genotypes and transgenic genotypes by the production of fetuses and offspring, and for production of isogenic CICM cells, including human isogenic embryonic or stem cells. Production of genetically engineered or transgenic mammalian embryos, fetuses and offspring is facilitated by the present method since the differentiated cell source of the donor nuclei can be genetically modified and clonally propagated.
US Patent Website:Click Here for Full Text of Patent
Title Number:US6235970
Application Number:US1997000935052
Date Filed:22/09/1997
Date Published:22/05/2001
Assignee:University of Massachusetts, Amherst Campus, Amherst, MA, USA

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