Methods comprising apoptosis inhibitors for the generation of transgenic pigs

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Stem Cell Related Patent Number US6258354

Title:Method for homing hematopoietic stem cells to bone marrow stromal cells
Inventors:Greenberger, Joel S.; Lincoln, MA, USA
Summary:Described herein are methods of homing hematopoietic stem cells to transplanted bone marrow stromal cells and inducing proliferation of the stem cells. The invention relates to a process for homing hematopoietic stem cells to bone marrow stromal cells in a host via the administration to the host of genetically-engineered hematopoietic stem cells which are capable of expressing a first member of a ligand-receptor binding pair, under conditions in which the binding of the first member of the ligand-receptor binding pair to the second member of the ligand-receptor binding pair, as present on stromal cells, constitutes the homing of the stem cells to the stromal cells. Therapeutic applications in bone marrow transplantation are included.
Abstract:This invention pertains to a method for homing hematopoietic stem cells to bone marrow stromal cells in a host. The method comprises, administering to the host genetically-engineered hematopoietic stem cells capable of expressing a first member of a ligand-receptor binding pair. The stem cells are administered to the host under conditions whereby binding of the first member of the ligand-receptor binding pair to the second member of the ligand-receptor binding pair, present on stromal cells, occurs thereby homing the stem cells to the stromal cells. This method is useful for transplanting bone marrow in a host or in treating a host afflicted with a disease associated with a disorder of the bone marrow.
US Patent Website:Click Here for Full Text of Patent
Title Number:US6258354
Application Number:US1992000888203
Date Filed:26/05/1992
Date Published:10/07/2001

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