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Stem Cell Clinic
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Stem Cell Related Patent Number US6265229

Title:Method and device for detection of specific target cells in specialized or mixed cell populations and solutions containing mixed cell populations
Inventors:Fodstad, .O slashed.ystein; Oslo, Norway
H.o slashed.if.o slashed.dt, Hanne Kleppe; Hvalstad, Norway
Rye, Philip; Oslo, Norway
Summary:This invention describes a method and apparatus for detecting specific target cells using paramagnetic particles. Described herein are antibodies recognizing the Fc portions of target-cell associating antibodies including those directed to specific antigen determinants in the target-cell membranes. Also described is incubation of the cell suspension with detergent and/or second antibodies or antibody fragments which are optionally prelabeled with fluorescent agents, metallocolloids, radioisotopes, biotin complexes or certain enzymes allowing visualization, which dramatically increases the specificity of the method. Further described are methods and apparatus by which a solid support and permanent record is provided which is easily viewed by microscopy and which permits viewing and quantification of the whole specimen rather than of small fractions, and which therefore allows the use of large specimen volumes to be analyzed. Methods are included by which the device may also be scanned automatically by conventional densitometric technology. Suggestions are made by which the method and apparatus can be used for isolation of the target cells by magnetic field application. This invention represents a continuation of other applications filed by the same assignee and inventors.
Abstract:The invention relates to a method and apparatus for detecting specific target cells in a simple and time-saving way, using paramagnetic particles, antibodies recognizing the Fc portions of target-cell associating antibodies and target-cell associating antibodies directed to specific antigen determinants in the target-cell membranes. Incubation of the cell suspension with detergent and/or second antibodies or antibody fragments, prelabeled or not with fluorescent agents, metallocolloids, radioisotopes, biotin complexes or certain enzymes allowing visualization, dramatically increase the specificity of the method. The method and apparatus described provides a solid support and permanent record which is easily viewed by microscopy, permits viewing and quantification of the whole specimen rather than small fractions thereof and allows the use of large specimen volumes to be analysed, the device may also be scanned automatically by conventional densitometric technology. The method and apparatus can be used for isolation of the target cells by magnetic field application, and a kit and apparatus for performing the method according to the invention is described.
US Patent Website:Click Here for Full Text of Patent
Title Number:US6265229
Application Number:US1996000704619
Date Filed:04/11/1996
Date Published:24/07/2001
Assignee:Oystein Fodstad, Oslo, Norway

Copyright © 2007 The Institute for Cellular Medicine  3/12/2025