Methods comprising apoptosis inhibitors for the generation of transgenic pigs

Stem Cell Clinic
Patient Application
3D Culture/Scaffold

Stem Cell Related Patent Number US6596274

Title:Biological material containing bone marrow stem cells partially or completely differentiated into connective tissue cells and a hyaluronic acid ester matrix
Inventors:Abatangelo, Giovanni; Saccolongo, Italy
Callegaro, Lanfranco; Thiene, Italy
Summary:Described herein is a biological material comprising an extracellular matrix from specific connective tissue cells, and the three-dimensional matrix of a hyaluronic acid derivative. The invention relates to a biological material comprising two components, the first of which is alternately a culture of autologous or homologous bone marrow stem cells partially or completely differentiated into specific connective tissue cellular lines, and a sole extracellular matrix free from any cellular component secreted by the specific connective tissue cellular lines; the second component is described as containing a three-dimensional biocompatible and biodegradable matrix consisting of a hyaluronic acid ester having a degree of esterification comprised between 25 and 100%. Further disclosed are methods by which the specific tissue cell lines are selected from fibroblasts, osteoblasts, myoblasts, adipocytes, chondrocytes and endothelial cells. Therapeutic applications of this biological material are included, such as in the repair of damaged connective tissue in the treatment of injuries to cartilage, bone and skin, and as a substrate for the in vitro growth of keratinocytes.
Abstract:A biological material comprising two components is provided containing a first component comprising alternatively (1) a culture of autologous or homologous bone marrow stem cells partially or completely differentiated into specific connective tissue cellular lines or (2) a sole extracellular matrix free from any cellular component secreted by the specific connective tissue cellular lines; and a second component containing a three-dimensional biocompatible and biodegradable matrix consisting of a hyaluronic acid ester having a degree of esterification comprised between 25 and 100%. The specific tissue cell lines are selected from fibroblasts, osteoblasts, myoblasts, adipocytes, chondrocytes and endothelial cells. The biological material is suitable for use as a dermal substitute in cutaneous lesions as well as repairing damaged connective tissue.
US Patent Website:Click Here for Full Text of Patent
Title Number:US6596274
Application Number:US1998000041287
Date Filed:12/03/1998
Date Published:22/07/2003
Assignee:Fidia Advanced Biopolymers S.r.l., Brindisi, Italy

Copyright © 2007 The Institute for Cellular Medicine  3/12/2025