Methods comprising apoptosis inhibitors for the generation of transgenic pigs

Stem Cell Clinic
Patient Application
3D Culture/Scaffold

Stem Cell Related Patent Number US6662805

Title:Method for composite cell-based implants
Inventors:Frondoza, Carmelita G.; Woodstock, MD, USA
Hungerford, David S.; Cockeysville, MD, USA
Shikani, Alan H.; Ruxton, MD, USA
Domb, Abraham J.; Efrat, Israel Fink, David J.; Baltimore, MD, USA
Bloom, Leonard; Owings Mills, MD, USA
Summary:Described herein are methods of treating a lesion or cavity in a tissue, such as a human ear or nose, via filling the lesion or cavity with a solid implant along with an injectable cell-containing formulation. The invention relates to a method for the implantation of a combination of cells or cell-microcarrier aggregates wherein one component comprises a solid implantable construct and a second component comprises an injectable formulation. Methods of culturing, preparation and implantation are disclosed, such that the injectable cells or aggregates may result from the culturing of stem cells capable of producing cells of a chondrogenic, fibroblastic, myoblastic or osteoblastic phenotype. Such injectable aggregates are described as promoting the fixation to or the rapid integration of the solid cartilage implant into surrounding cartilage, connective tissue, muscle or bone, respectively. Several embodiments of the invention are provided.
Abstract:This invention is a method for the implantation of a combination of cells or cell-microcarrier aggregates wherein one component comprises a solid implantable construct and a second component comprises an injectable formulation. For example, in one embodiment, the solid implant may be first implanted to fill the majority of the cavity receiving the implant, and then cells or cell-microcarrier aggregates in an injectable format, with or without the addition of gelling materials to promote rapid gelling in situ, may be injected into spaces surrounding the solid implant in order to secure the solid implant in the site and/or to promote rapid adherence and/or integration of the solid implant to surrounding tissues. Also contemplated in this embodiment is that the cellular composition of the injectable component may differ from that of the solid component. For example, the solid implant may result from the culturing of chondrocytes on microcarriers or scaffolds, thereby resulting in an implant having cartilage-like properties, whereas the injectable cells or aggregates may result from the culturing of stem cells, resulting thereby in cells capable of producing cells of a chondrogenic, fibroblastic, myoblastic or osteoblastic phenotype. In this example, cells in the injectable aggregates may promote the fixation to or rapid integration of the solid cartilage implant into surrounding cartilage, connective tissue, muscle or bone, respectively.
US Patent Website:Click Here for Full Text of Patent
Title Number:US6662805
Application Number:US2001000922909
Date Filed:06/08/2001
Date Published:16/12/2003
Assignee:The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA Chondros, Inc.

Copyright © 2007 The Institute for Cellular Medicine  3/12/2025