Stem Cell Related Patent Number US6723131
Title: | Composite bone marrow graft material with method and kit | Inventors: | Muschler, George F.; Cleveland Heights, OH, USA | Summary: | This invention introduces a novel composite bone marrow graft material, composed of a porous biocompatible implantable matrix with an enriched population of progenitor cells, and clot material which is preferably derived from non-anticoagulated bone marrow aspirate.Methods and materials are provided, as well as a kit containing sterilized implements useful in preparing enriched composite bone marrow graft material. Therapeutic applications in the healing and regeneration of bone graft are included. | Abstract: | | US Patent Website: | Click Here for Full Text of Patent | Title Number: | US6723131 | Application Number: | US2001000795254 | Date Filed: | 28/02/2001 | Date Published: | 20/04/2004 | Assignee: | The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH, USA |