Methods comprising apoptosis inhibitors for the generation of transgenic pigs

Stem Cell Clinic
Patient Application
3D Culture/Scaffold

Stem Cell Related Patent Number US6767737

Title:Stem cells bearing an FGF receptor on the cell surface
Inventors:Wilson, E. Lynette; New York, NY, USA
Burger, Patricia E.; Cape Town, South Africa
Summary:This invention describes human stem cells carrying the fibroblast growth factor receptor, and which are indicators of the primitive state and also exhibit pluripotency. Disclosed herein is a composition of substantially purified pluripotent stem cells which are positive both for the fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR) and a phenotype indicative of a primitive state, such as CD34<+>, CD34<->lin<->, Thy-1<+>, AC133<+> or c-kit<+>. Further described are the means by which the population may be defined according to the subpopulations which have another marker indicative of endothelial cells, such as TIE-1<+>, TEK<+>, CD31<+>, VE-Cadherin<+> or VEGFR<+> or indicative of stromal cells, such as STRO-1<+>. Therapeutic applications are included, such as in bone marrow transplantation.
Abstract:A composition of substantially purified pluripotent stem cells are positive both for fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR) and a phenotype indicative of a primitive state, such as CD34.sup.+, CD34.sup.- lin.sup.-, Thy-1.sup.+, AC133.sup.+ or c-kit.sup.+. The state of being an embryonic stem cell is also a phenotype indicative of a primitive state. This population may be further defined by the subpopulations thereof which have another marker thereon indicative of endothelial cells, such as TIE-1.sup.+, TEK.sup.+, CD31.sup.+, VE-Cadherin.sup.+ or VEGFR.sup.+ or indicative of stromal cells, such as STRO-1.sup.+.
US Patent Website:Click Here for Full Text of Patent
Title Number:US6767737
Application Number:US1999000386228
Date Filed:31/08/1999
Date Published:27/07/2004
Assignee:New York University, New York, NY, USA

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