Methods comprising apoptosis inhibitors for the generation of transgenic pigs

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Patient Application
3D Culture/Scaffold

Stem Cell Related Patent Number US6897060

Title:Composition comprising multipotent neural stem cells for generation of hematopoietic cells
Inventors:Bjornson, Christopher R.; Seattle, WA, USA
Rietze, Rod L.; Brunswick, Australia
Reynolds, Brent A.; Saltspring, Canada
Vescovi, Angelo L.; Milan, Italy
Summary:Described herein are methods of generating hematopoietic cells from multipotent neural stem cells (MNSC). The invention relates to methods by which MNSC progeny are induced to generate cells of the hematopoietic system by placing the MNSC progeny in a hematopoietic-inducing environment, which can be either ex vivo or in vivo. In one embodiment of the invention, a mammalian circulatory system provides an in vivo environment that can induce xenogeneic, allogeneic, or autologous MNSC progeny to generate a full complement of hematopoietic cells, such that transplantation of the progeny thereof provides an alternative to bone marrow and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Therapeutic applications are included, such as in the treatment of blood-related disorders.
Abstract:Multipotent neural stem cell (MNSC) progeny are induced to generate cells of the hematopoietic system by placing the MNSC progeny in a hematopoietic-inducing environment. The hematopoietic-inducing environment can be either ex vivo or in vivo. A mammal's circulatory system provides an in vivo environment that can induce xenogeneic, allogeneic, or autologous MNSC progeny to generate a full complement of hematopoietic cells. Transplantation of MNSC progeny provides an alternative to bone marrow and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation to treat blood-related disorders.
US Patent Website:Click Here for Full Text of Patent
Title Number:US6897060
Application Number:US2000000624199
Date Filed:24/07/2000
Date Published:24/05/2005
Assignee:NeuroSpheres Holdings Ltd., Calgary, Canada

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