Methods comprising apoptosis inhibitors for the generation of transgenic pigs

Stem Cell Clinic
Patient Application
3D Culture/Scaffold

Stem Cell Related Patent Number US6960178

Title:Apparatus for enhanced plasmapheresis and methods thereof
Inventors:Chang, Yu-An; Irvine, CA, USA
Duff, Daniel; Irvine, CA, USA
Tu, Hosheng; Newport Beach, CA, USA
Summary:This invention describes a method of treatment of autoimmune conditions via the filtering of a patient's blood through a blood filtration apparatus that effects orbital motion with filter membranes. Described herein is an apparatus and methods for enhanced plasmapheresis, composed of a filter membrane under an orbital motion or movement that has optimal local shear forces and maximum plasma flow output. Further disclosed are methods for the biological separation and therapies comprising platelet collection, viral particle removal, cell washing and processing for stem cell selection, bone marrow purging, red blood cell collection, auto-transfusion, auto-immune disease treatment, selective macro-molecule removal, toxin removal, LDL removal, and extracorporeal plasma delipidation. Therapeutic applications in the treatment of multiple sclerosis are included.
Abstract:An apparatus and methods for enhanced plasmapheresis comprising a filter membrane under an orbital motion or movement that has optimal local shear forces and maximum plasma flow output. The methods for biological separation and therapies comprise platelet collection, viral particle removal, cell washing and processing for stem cell selection, bone marrow purging, red blood cell collection, auto-transfusion, auto-immune disease treatment, selective macro-molecule removal, toxin removal, LDL removal, extracorporeal plasma delipidation, and the like.
US Patent Website:Click Here for Full Text of Patent
Title Number:US6960178
Application Number:US2002000195814
Date Filed:15/07/2002
Date Published:01/11/2005
Assignee:XEPMED, Inc., Los Angeles, CA, USA

Copyright © 2007 The Institute for Cellular Medicine  3/12/2025