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Stem Cell Related Patent Number US7105342

Title:Multipotent neural stem cell cDNA libraries
Inventors:Weiss, Samuel; Alberta, Canada
Reynolds, Brent; Alberta, Canada
Summary:This invention describes the in vitro proliferation of multipotent neural stem cells via the use of growth factors, and the cDNA libraries comprised of the neural stem cell progeny. Described herein is a method by which cDNA libraries may be obtained from both cultured normal and dysfunctional neural cells and from neural cell cultures at various stages of development. Further provided are methods for the identification of the sequence of gene expression during neural development, and methods for examining the effects of biological agents on gene expression in neural cells. Also included are means of comparing nucleic acids derived from dysfunctional tissue with that of normal tissue to identify genetic material which may be the cause of the dysfunction. Applications in the treatment of neurological disorders and in the diagnosis of genetic disorders are provided.
Abstract:cDNA libraries may be obtained from neural cell cultures produced by using growth factors to induce the proliferation of multipotent neural stem cells. The libraries may be obtained from both cultured normal and dysfunctional neural cells and from neural cell cultures at various stages of development. This information allows for the identification of the sequence of gene expression during neural development and can be used to reveal the effects of biological agents on gene expression in neural cells. Additionally, nucleic acids derived from dysfunctional tissue can be compared with that of normal tissue to identify genetic material which may be the cause of the dysfunction. This information could then be used in the design of therapies to treat the neurological disorder. A further use of the technology would be in the diagnosis of genetic disorders or for use in identifying neural cells at a particular stage in development.
US Patent Website:Click Here for Full Text of Patent
Title Number:US7105342
Application Number:US2001000925911
Date Filed:09/08/2001
Date Published:12/09/2006
Assignee:NeuroSpheres Holdings Ltd., Calgary, Canada

Copyright © 2007 The Institute for Cellular Medicine  3/12/2025