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Stem Cell Related Patent Number US7112440

Title:Method of increasing the relative number of CD45 low cells in a cell population
Inventors:Abuljadayel, Ilham; London, United Kingdom
Summary:This invention describes a system of retro-differentiation of committed cells to undifferentiated cells. The method relates to increasing the relative number of CD45 low cells in a cell population, and contacting a more committed cell with an agent that causes the more committed cell to retrodifferentiate into an undifferentiated cell, with the undifferentiated cell being a CD45 low cell. The starting cell population comprises a CD45 low cell sub-population and a CD45 high sub-population, where the cells of the CD45 low sub-population have a lower relative density of CD45 antigen on their cell surface as compared to the cells of the CD45 high sub-population. The starting cell population includes committed hemopoietic cells comprising CD45 antigen, from which the process of contacting with the agent, followed by incubation and treatment, yields an increase in the number of CD45 low cells when compared to the number of CD45 high cells. Specific methods and recommended therapeutic uses for the treatment of immunological disorders are also provided.
Abstract:A method of increasing the relative number of CD45 low cells in a cell population is described. The method comprises contacting a more committed cell with an agent that causes the more committed cell to retrodifferentiate into an undifferentiated cell, which undifferentiated cell is a CD45 low cell.
US Patent Website:Click Here for Full Text of Patent
Title Number:US7112440
Application Number:US2000000742520
Date Filed:20/12/2000
Date Published:26/09/2006
Assignee:Dhoot; Ghazi Jaswinder, London, United Kingdom

Copyright © 2007 The Institute for Cellular Medicine  2/18/2025