Methods comprising apoptosis inhibitors for the generation of transgenic pigs

Stem Cell Clinic
Patient Application
3D Culture/Scaffold

Stem Cell Related Patent Number US7129070

Title:Targeted system for removing tumor cells from cell populations
Inventors:Palsson, Bernhard O.; La Jolla, CA, USA
Summary:This invention describes a targeted system for killing tumor cells via the illumination of the cells, the capturing of images of the cells, the application of a lethal dose of energy to the cells, and a determination of whether or not the cells were killed. Further detailed is a method for killing a first population of cells within a mixture of viable cells by contacting the cells with a label, illuminating a portion of the mixture, capturing an image of multiple cells in the illuminated portion of the mixture in order to determine two-dimensional coordinates of one or more cells from the first population of cells using the first captured image, and applying a lethal dose of energy to the dimensional coordinates of one or more cells at a first focal plane. Also recommended are therapeutic uses of such methods in the treatment of cancer.
Abstract:A method is presented for killing a first population of cells within a mixture of viable cells by providing the mixture of viable cells, contacting the cells with a label, illuminating a portion of the mixture, capturing an image of multiple cells in the illuminated portion of the mixture, determining at least two dimensional coordinates of one or more cells of the first population of cells using the first captured image, and applying a lethal dose of energy to said dimensional coordinates of the one or more cells at a first focal plane.
US Patent Website:Click Here for Full Text of Patent
Title Number:US7129070
Application Number:US2003000341333
Date Filed:09/01/2003
Date Published:31/10/2006
Assignee:Cyntellect, Inc., San Diego, CA, USA

Copyright © 2007 The Institute for Cellular Medicine  3/12/2025