Methods comprising apoptosis inhibitors for the generation of transgenic pigs

Stem Cell Clinic
Patient Application
3D Culture/Scaffold

Stem Cell Related Patent Number US7129072

Title:Crystal of fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 in complex with fibroblast growth factor
Inventors:Schlessinger, Joseph; New York, NY, USA
Hubbard, Stevan R.; Riverside, NY, USA
Mohammadi, Moosa; Scarsdale, NY, USA
Plotnikov, Alexander; Emeryville, CA, USA
Zhang, Zhongtao; Haworth, NJ, USA
Kong, Xiang-Peng; New York, NY, USA
Summary:This invention describes a crystal comprising a purified polypeptide which includes an extracellular domain of the receptor protein tyrosine kinase (RPTK) either alone or in complex with ligands. Further disclosed are properties of the tetragonal space group symmetry and unit cell dimensions. Methods of determination and use are also included for such three dimensional structures of the receptor protein tyrosine kinases and/or their ligands, such as in the design and identification of RPTK modulators, which are useful in the treatment of diseases that are mediated by inappropriate RPTK activity.
Abstract:The determination and use of three dimensional structures of receptor protein tyrosine kinases and/or their ligands are described. One particular group of such structures includes three dimensional structures of the extracellular domain of RPTKs. The three dimensional structures of RPTKs can faciliate the design and identification of modulators of RPTK function. Other such structures can include of RPTK ligands, such as stem cell factor or a fragment thereof. Modulators of RPTK function can be used to treat diseases that are mediated by inappropriate RPTK activity.
US Patent Website:Click Here for Full Text of Patent
Title Number:US7129072
Application Number:US2000000049429
Date Filed:30/08/2000
Date Published:31/10/2006
Assignee:New York University, New York, NY, USA

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