Methods comprising apoptosis inhibitors for the generation of transgenic pigs

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Stem Cell Related Patent Number US7132282

Title:Genetic modification of C57 mice
Inventors:He, Wei; South Setauket, NY, USA
Weng, Wei; Patchogue, NY, USA
Summary:This invention introduces a new germline-competent black B6 ES cell line from the C57BL/6 mouse strain comprising IC1 or the white albino B6 line from the C57BL/6J-Tyrc-23 mouse strain comprising IAC1. Both genetically modified C57 strains relate to blastocyst-derived mouse embryonic stem cell lines such as IC1, IC2, IAC1, IAC2, IAC3, IAC4, IAC5, IAC6, IAC7 or the IAC8 ES cell line. Further disclosed herein are methods by which such models of C57 mice may be useful in the identification of chimerism in transgenic chimeras which cannot be identified by coat color alone.
Abstract:The present invention relates generally to the field of generating genetically modified C57 mice. More particularly, the present invention pertains to 1) blastocyst-derived mouse embryonic stem cell (ES) cell lines including, but not limited to, the IC1, IC2, IAC1, IAC2, IAC3, IAC4, IAC5, IAC6, IAC7 or IAC8 ES cell line, 2) to efficient methods of making genetically modified C57 mice by introducing the modified C57 ES cells into the mouse blastocysts of either the same mouse strain and/or color of albino C57 strain, or other C57 strain, to generate genetically modified novel, useful and hereto unknown models of C57 mice, and to methods for identifying the chimerism of chimeras which can be not known by coat color.
US Patent Website:Click Here for Full Text of Patent
Title Number:US7132282
Application Number:US2004000768350
Date Filed:30/01/2004
Date Published:07/11/2006
Assignee:Ingenious Targeting Inc., Stony Brook, NY, USA

Copyright © 2007 The Institute for Cellular Medicine  3/12/2025