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Cancer Patient Prepares for Adult Stem Cell Treatment
The Vindicator
December 26, 2006
For the past three years, 36 year old Sabrina has been suffering from cancer that has invaded her lymph nodes, a condition that is better known as non-Hodgkin's follicular lymphoma. Following a chemo treatment, she will undergo a stem cell transplant. A tri-fusion catheter will be used to remove her own stem cells from her chest. The stem cells will be re-transplanted into her body to rebuild her immune system after the chemotherapy has already destroyed it.

Stem Cell Therapy Effective in Targeting Metastatic Cancer
Public Library of Science
December 24, 2006
A technique to treat cancers that have spread throughout the body more effectively may have been discovered be researchers at City of Hope and St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. So that normal tissue neighboring the tumor and throughout the body remain relatively unharmed, they used modified neural stem cells to activate and concentrate chemotherapeutic drugs predominately at tumor sites.

Stem Cells Cure MS, Woman Dances and Walks Down the Aisle at Her Wedding
Toronto Sun
December 24, 2006
Suffering from MS, a year after the extraordinary work and treatment of doctors, Jennifer got married. She saw her disease work in reverse after her procedure. Almost each new day brought back an ability she had lost. She was suddenly without her leg braces after not being able to walk at all. When walking out the door, she began to ignore her cane. She seems free of MS at the age of 31 and considers herself cured.

Thanks to Stem Cells, MS Patient has Best Six Months in 33 Years
The York Press
December 23, 2006
After going to have revolutionary stem cell treatment in Holland, Julia, 64, is experiencing an extraordinary turnaround from her degenerative illness. Since the therapy is banned in Britain, traveling was unavoidable. "I've had the best six months I've had in 33 years," said Julia, of Bishophill, York. "My spine is stronger. I can move my body better."

No More Root Canals for Kids? Stem Cells at Work
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
December 21, 2006
Following the cleansing, a removable anti-microbial compound called calcium hydroxide paste was used to plug the dried tooth cavity. In order to preserve the affected tissue and avoid unnecessary extraction of helpful stem cells, the researchers avoided the use of invasive filling. In all cases, the disease was halted and affected teeth grew to healthy maturity as follow-up exams carried out for up to 5 years after the treatment revealed.

FDA Approves Australian Spinal Disease Adult Stem Cell Trial
Australian Associated Press
December 20, 2006
A world-first Australian medical therapy that uses stem cells to treat degenerative spinal disease has been approved for testing on patients in the United States. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration allowed it to skip the small phase-one human safety trial and move straight into a larger phase-two trial since the preliminary animal trials were so promising.

Stem Cells and Old Age Memory Loss Explained
Cosmos Online
December 20, 2006
A shortage of neural stem cells in the brain was formerly thought to be the reason that older people exhibited a reduced capacity to learn and remember. However, new research reveals that the reduced ability may be caused by stem cells in brain dividing less frequently instead.

Hope for Acute Kidney Failure Found with Stem Cells
Ivanhoe Newswire
December 13, 2006
Previous therapies for the potentially life-threatening condition, acute kidney failure, have been generally unsuccessful in treating the disease. But stem cell applications could help improve and protect kidney function in patients. New research reveals that full-term umbilical cord blood stem cells can help patients recover faster and avoid long-term kidney complications associated with tissue damage.

Stem Cells Proving to be Worthy in PAD Treatment
South Bend Tribune
December 13, 2006
Peripheral artery disease, or PAD, is a painful circulatory problem in the legs affecting almost 10 million Americans. A doctor from Indiana University School of Medicine is using adult stem cells to treat this disease, with the hope of helping millions.

Adult Hair Follicles an Alternative to Embryonic Stem Cells
Medical College of Wisconsin
December 12, 2006
These cells may be useful to treat Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, Hirschsprung's disease, stroke, peripheral neuropathies and ALS. Certain defects of the heart, and bone defects (degeneration, craniofacial birth defects) could also be treated through neural crest stem cell replacement therapy. These conditons affect an estimated 11 million Americans at an annual cost of more than $170 billion.

Neural Stem Cells Help Diminish Parkinson's Disease
December 5, 2006
In an effort to improve Parkinson's disease symptoms, U.S. medical scientists claim that brain cells derived from neural stem cells can help. Protection is further amplified when the cells are co-cultured with stem cells. Neuro-protection is significantly reduced when an antibody is used to block the stem cell factor.

Corneal Disorders Treated with Limbal Stem Cells
The Hindu
December 3, 2006
At unbelievable speeds of 60 to 80 mm per hour, limbal stem cells replicate and move across the surface of the eye. The cells are critical for the normal function of the cornea, vision, and comfort. A damaged eye is then given a transplant with newly grown tissue derived from limbal stem cells. The procedure is called ex vivo limbal stem cell replication.

Stem Cells to Deliver Potential Cure for Back Pain
BBC News
November 30, 2006
Chronic back pain could become a thing of the past thanks to a patients own stem cells. Treatment will be available in three years said a team of researchers from the University of Manchester. The soft shock-absorbing discs which separate the vertebrae in the spine are being rebuilt using stem cells. The researchers are in route to perfecting the technique.

Stem Cells, The Ultimate Anti-Aging Therapy
Philippine Daily
November 22, 2006
Degeneration and aging will be unraveled along with the other mysteries of life thanks to modern medicine. In Manila, a medical breakthrough has arrived with one of the latest developments in stem cell therapy. Many people wish to age gracefully, while others despite any health challenge, wish to improve the quality of their lives. But others are intrigued with the challenge of defying time itself.

Healing 101: Adult Stem Cells at the Forefront
Fox News
November 20, 2006
A contentious topic in modern medicine, stem cell research is much debated. Embryonic stem cells and the controversy surrounding them has sparked curiosity in a less risky and more ethical option: using stem cells taken from adults to treat various diseases. Adult stem cells, especially those stored from cord blood, are a bio-insurance for future use; and one that might just save your life. Through safe and non-invasive procedures, adults now have the option to collect and save their own cells.

Pumping Life Back Into The Heart With Adult Stem Cells
Fairview Observer
November 19, 2006
His doctors were astounded. Today, Bobby is a pioneer in a research study that - if the results continue to look promising - might transform heart treatment forever. In an experimental procedure called myoblast cell transplantation, Bobby received injections in his heart of 100 million stem cells grown from his own leg muscle. Many months and perhaps years stand in the way of having a stem cell procedure like of this nature enter mainstream medicine, but this much is a fact - Bobby's scarred and dying heart muscle is regenerating.

Stem Cells Potential Cure for Muscular Dystrophy
Associated Press
November 16, 2006
In a world first, dogs severely disabled by a canine variety of the condition, were able to walk freely, run, and even jump, after receiving stem cell injections. Those that had been in the early stages of the disease had not developed any symptoms, while previously crippled animals were able to jump and run. Italian researchers said the first trials on children could commence within two years while British experts have described the results as "startling" and as a potential cure.

Womb Fluid Cells Used To Create Heart Valves
Associated Press
November 15, 2006
Offering a revolutionary advance that may be used to repair defective hearts in the future, scientists have grown human heart valves for the first time using stem cells from the fluid that cushions babies in the womb. Using cells the fetus sheds in amniotic fluid avoids controversy because it doesn't involve destroying embryos to get stem cells.

Heart Transplants Could Become History With The Use of Adult Stem Cells
The New Zealand Herald
November 14, 2006
According to a study on how to repair the effects of cardiac failure, stem cells taken from a patient's own body could help restore the health of a malfunctioning heart. To replace damaged heart tissue, scientists have shown that it is possible to grow cardiac stem cells in the laboratory prior to transplanting them back into a patient. Offering an alternative treatment to a complete heart-transplant operation, the findings demonstrate the prospect of rebuilding cardiac muscle that had been destroyed during a heart attack.

Three Blind Mice No Longer, Adult Stem Cells Restore Sight
Medical News Today
November 8, 2006
3-day-old mice provided the cell samples from the retina. The blind mice were then given the cells via transplant directly into the eyes. Gradually, the mice began to regain their eyesight. Humans blinded by diabetes or age-related macular degeneration have renewed hope as the results of this study could ultimately lead to sight restoration for those individuals.

Stem Cell Treatment Final Hope For Two Dying Children
The Hamilton Spectator
November 6, 2006
Eventually robbing its young victims of their speech, sight and motor abilities, Batten disease is a fatal inherited nervous system disorder that causes the brain to shrink and shut down over time. Time is passing by everyday for five-year-old Jamie and two-and-a-half-year-old Carson. The only hope for the two children may be a radical stem cell procedure in China.

Man Gains Strength and Confidence After Adult Stem Cell Heart Procedure
The Register
November 5, 2006
The 70 year old Dick received treatment with a new procedure in which adult stem cells extracted from his own blood were injected directly into his ailing heart to strengthen it. Gaining strength and in good spirits, Dick returned home on October 10th. He is hoping the operation will give him more energy and extend his life by rejuvenating his heart. "Though stem cell procedures still are not commonly done, people like me will help change it," Dick said. "I think it will cut way down on heart transplants."

Adult Stem Cell Research Provides Breakthrough For Lung Diseases
November 1, 2006
Patients with lung diseases have hope for new treatments in the future due to an advance in adult stem cell research. Embryonic stem cells have once again been trumped by adult stem cells as the advance shows that they continue to be more ethical and effective. For the first time, researchers have been able to coax umbilical cord blood stem cells to differentiate into a type of lung cell.

Amputation Prevented Due to Adult Stem Cells
Chennai Online
November 1, 2006
Suffering from critical limb ischemia, a diabetic faced the loss of a lower limb. But a private hospital in Chennai saved the patient by using bone marrow stem cell treatment. New blood vessel formation improved circulation to the affected leg and the women's ulcer healed in 60 days. Health granulation started covering the previously ischemic portion as the healing process commenced very rapidly said the doctors.

Human Liver Grown From Umbilical Cord Stem Cells
Daily Mail
October 31, 2006
In a breakthrough that will one day supply entire organs for transplants, British scientists have grown the world's first artificial liver from stem cells. The tissue was created from blood taken from babies' umbilical cords just a few minutes after birth and the Newcastle University researchers called it a "Eureka moment". Repairing livers damaged by disease, injury, alcohol abuse, and paracetamol overdose could be possible within the next 5 years.

Cord Blood Stem Cells Almost a Cure For Man With MS
The Express Times
October 30, 2006
Relying on a walker to get around his home, Ed was depressed and constantly exhausted. His declining condition had his family and doctors worried. But now, after receiving stem cell treatment in Mexico, the effects of his multiple sclerosis are not as pronounced. After returning from his trip on October 13th, Ed's renewed vitality has been increasing every single day. Now he is cranking out repetitions on his personal gym machine in the downstairs basement of his North Boulevard home.

Adult Stem Cell Treatment for Heart to be Routine in 3-5 Years
October 26, 2006
Routine stem cell therapies for certain types of heart disease will become a reality in 3-5 years according to Dr. Amit of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has made Amit the only individual in the entire nation to gain its endorsement to undertake clinical trials for treating heart patients by directly injecting adult stem cells into the heart.

From Flab to Fab, Fat to Become a Lifesaver
October 25, 2006
The very fat that many try to rid themselves of contains baby fat cells. Those stem cells can be isolated form the tissue, cultivated in a laboratory dish and molded into the type of cells you want to grow. Singapore doctors are planning on doing just that. Clinical trials will soon be in progress to develop techniques that will take a patient's fat tissue and create new cartilage, bone, and fat stem cells.

Stem Cell Treatment for Heart Reaches Milestone
Bloomberg News
October 24, 2006
Monday, researchers at the Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics conference in Washington said that among 18 patients who had bone marrow injected into their hearts to heal tissue, after one year, there were no deaths or heart attacks. The decision to begin a second trial, this time involving 150 patients, is supported by the primary findings.

Stem Cells Have Dramatic Effect on Parkinson's Disease, American Gets Her Life Back
Tiantan Puhua Neurosurgical Hospital
October 24, 2006
52 year old Penny of Hawaii has seen remarkable improvement in her condition is being treated with the unique procedure specifically designed for Parkinson's patients. Penny said she got her life back after two months of stem cell therapy, which included rehabilitation and neurological nutritional balancing.

Coming Soon, a Cord Blood Center Near You
Duke University Medical Center
October 19, 2006
Lifesaving umbilical cord transplants may soon be available to more people with $24 million in total funding set aside by the federal government to create the first national cord blood banking system. Committed to the creation of a cord blood donations coordinating center, the federal government has committed $10 million. Still awaiting approval is another $14 million that will help current cord blood banks.

"Aw Rats!" Says Lou, Stem Cells Show Promise
Scientific American
October 16, 2006
Rats injected with human stem cells show progress in the fight against ALS and exhibit extended life. The grafted stem cells do not themselves succumb to Lou Gehrig's, which is also known as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), but actually develop into nerve cells and make substantial connections with existing nerves.

A Local Bank Delivers Global Cures
St. Louis Review
October 13, 2006
As a transplant physician at SSM Cardinal Glennon Children's Hospital, Dr. Donna was becoming discouraged with her job. Her aggravation began when she had difficulty finding good matches for transplanting healthy stem cells to her patients. She ultimately turned towards umbilical cord blood, and achieved success. Spinal cord injury, HIV/AIDS, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases are all conditions that will be successfully treated with cord blood stem cells.

Stem Cell Treatment Gives hope to Mother of Two
Middleton Guardian
October 12, 2006
A mother afflicted with multiple sclerosis is preparing to begin her journey towards a better life with the help of revolutionary stem cell treatment. Tina is hopeful that the treatment will enable her to leave behind her wheelchair and play with her two young daughters like any other mother. She now eagerly waits for the clinic to give her a date on which she can go and start her treatment.

Woman Considering IVF to Save Dying Son With Newborn Stem Cells
Newsquest Media Group Newspapers
October 11, 2006
To save her son's life, Donna is considering having another child by IVF so its stem cells can be used as a treatment for her dying son. Donna's son Jamie suffers from the rare disorder Fanconi Anemia. IVF would allow Donna to conceive with an embryo that does not carry the faulty Fanconi gene. The newborn would then have stem cells harvested from its umbilical cord and injected into Jamie.

Adult Stem Cells to Be Used in Heart Study
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
October 10, 2006
A national study that will examine whether our own blood stem cells can repair the heart will be available to individuals with severe angina that have limited treatment options. Sophisticated cardiac navigation systems will assist the doctors with the process of injecting stem cells into the patient. Following the procedure, patients will receive MRI scans and other assessments in addition to being monitored with a symptom and activity diary and exercise testing.

Struggling with Multiple Sclerosis, Man Goes to Mexico for Stem Cell Treatment
The Express Times
September 24, 2006
Alzheimer's patients at a nearby nursing home were often kept company by Ed and his stepson Chris during their free time. But after Ed's legs were hobbled and his energy sucked out of him by multiple sclerosis, he no longer could make the visits he and his son had grown accustomed to. But umbilical cord stem cell treatment may allow Ed to add the visits into his schedule once again.

Take Heart: Promising Results with Stem Cell Therapy
The Ledger
September 17, 2006
Doctors want additional treatments to offer their patients, especially with an aging population and the increasing number of heart-attack survivors with damaged hearts. "I'm very excited about it," said Dr. Kevin, a Lakeland cardiologist and director of Watson Clinic Center for Research. "The future of this whole area may revolutionize our care of people with weak hearts. It's one of the most cutting edge approaches that's happening."

Environment Changes Cause Adult Bone Marrow Stem Cells to Diversify
WebMD Medical News
September 13, 2006
Bone marrow cells appear to have the capacity to replace any cell in the body by being coaxed in a number of diverse ways. In San Francisco, the American Chemical Society hosted three presentations at its annual symposium in early September that will hopefully confirm this hope. The papers that were presented all discussed similar findings.

Cord Blood a Reservoir of Hope
The Free Lance Star
September 10, 2006
Although an increasingly common occurrence in American delivery rooms, preserving cord blood for a family is still not the rule. Without the ethical concerns of embryonic stem cells and all the promise, new born stem cells from cord blood and their storage have gained popularity. A few distinguished physicians also encourage the idea. Stem cells can enhance immune systems during cancer treatment, treat brain injuries and sickle cell anemia, they also have the potential to treat an assortment of other conditions.

Children with Brain Tumors Successfully Treated with Adult Stem Cells
September 7, 2006
Scientists are reporting that they have come up with a new treatment for children with brain tumors called medulloblastomas as the use of adult stem cells continues to outpace embryonic stem cell research. A shorter course of chemotherapy than normally used follows a preliminary radiation treatment. Adult stem cells implanted after each round of chemotherapy make the shorter course possible. The cells allow the child's body to recuperate from the damage the preceding round caused before moving on.

Rare Blood Disorder Treated with Adult Stem Cells, Girl Remains Free of Disease
Albuquerque Tribune
September 6, 2006
With the hopes of stabilizing her, a former Albuquerque girl afflicted with a rare blood disease has just undergone an additional infusion of donor stem cells. With her condition deteriorating, her family hopes the treatment will prevent the progression of the disease. She suffers from a very severe aplastic anemia, a disease in which the bone marrow no longer creates sufficient blood cells.

Adult Stem Cell Research Provides Hope for Kidney, Liver Patients
September 6, 2006
With the prospect of providing new hope for patients afflicted with liver or kidney disease, Italian scientists have made a number of advances in adult stem cell research. Their breakthroughs could lead to novel treatments for kidney and liver disease as the team has identified kidney stem cells that help kidneys to repair themselves.

Adult Stem Cells Trump Embryonic - Adult Behind Most of the Success
The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
September 3, 2006
Virtually unknown to the American public are the advantages of adult stem cells. It is embryonic stem cell treatment that is most profitable, and not the best, that is getting all the exposure. The safest cell option for people, one of the greatest advantages of adult stem cells is that it is usually possible for a person to use his or her own stem cells. Uncontrolled growth, chromosomal abnormalities, disease transmission and rejection problems are all eliminated with adult stem cells.

Cord Blood Storage Much More Hope than Hype
September 1, 2006
One of the first things Chang did when his twin baby girls arrived into the world was to instruct the doctor to preserve a sample of blood from their umbilical cords. "We are just trying to prepare for the worst, especially since our family has a history of leukemia," Chang said. "The best thing that could happen is we never need it."

Intermediate Stem Cells Extracted from Baby Teeth
Greeley Tribune
August 30, 2006
Considered "intermediate", the stem cells of exfoliated deciduous teeth are extracted soon after the tooth becomes loose. Capable to turning into tooth-forming cells (odontoblasts), fat cells, bone cells, and even nerve cells, they are versatile and much less controversial than embryonic stem cells.

Football Players Store Stem Cells to Protect Careers
August 28, 2006
According to a report, noteworthy football (soccer) players are preparing for potential career-threatening sports injuries by banking the stem cells from their newborn babies for prospective future treatment. The banking could help the athletes and also help their entire families in the event of injury.

Answer to Stem Cell Dilemma Right Under Our Noses
The Courier Mail
August 23, 2006
For the exploration of disease and drug discovery, adult stem cells present a serious alternative to embryonic stem cells for cell transplantation. Adult stem cell therapy is the alternative and in many cases, superior to embryonic stem cell technology.

Man with Congestive Heart Failure Seeks Adult Stem Cell Treatment
Florida Today
August 21, 2006
This adult stem cell procedure involves injecting millions of these early-developmental cells directly into his heart. It has the potential to construct new blood vessels and heart muscle by contributing to new blood vessel development and helping to generate new tissue in the heart.

Knee Repair with Stem Cells Could Help Millions
The Houston Chronicle
August 21, 2006
Unlocking the ability for accelerated self repair of the joint is the primary goal. Those individuals who only require small amounts of cartilage to grow are the preliminary group to try the new alternatives. The techniques, if they do indeed work, could help people with arthritis as well since their cartilage breaks down over time.

Cord Blood Stem Cells Help Fight Juvenile Diabetes
August 18, 2006
To find a superior treatment for juvenile diabetes, scientists have turned to a young boy who will be receiving treatment using stem cells derived from his own cord blood. His parents decided to bank his cord blood when Liam was born and now are using it to slow and possibly stop the progress of his diabetes.

Blind Man Pins Hopes on Revolutionary Stem Cell Treatment
The Daily Record
August 14, 2006
This revolutionary stem cell treatment will be the first of its kind and if successful, Phil hopes it will let him see his fiancée Yvette for the first time in three years. Phil has trouble making out colors and the world appears blurry most of the time due to the nerve damage his genetic condition has caused.

One Giant Step, a Man With MS Hopes to Walk Again
South Tyneside
August 12, 2006
Chris has decided to fight his multiple sclerosis by arranging stem cell treatment, eager to reclaim the ability to walk. The cells restore damaged nerve transmitters and boost brain signals to the rest of the body say doctors. The treatment would consist of stem cells taken from umbilical cords being injected into Chris' damaged cells.

Skin Cells Show Potential to Grow Into Organs
The Yomiuri Shimbun
August 11, 2006
Resembling an embryonic stem cell, a new pluripotent cell has been generated using a mouse skin cell by researchers at Kyoto University in Tokyo. The new cell will have the capability to grow into organs and tissues just like embryonic cells.

Hope for Paraplegics, Stem Cell Therapy in India Delivers Results
The Hindu
August 11, 2006
Stem cell therapy has brought sensation back to a man who was left a paraplegic after his spinal cord was damaged during a road accident. His doctor surprised by such great results of stem cell injections at the site of injury.

$1 Million Gift for Stem Cell Research - Largest Private Donation Ever
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
August 11, 2006
The University of Rochester Medical Center just received the largest private donation ever from a Brighton couple to put toward stem cell research. The couple, Jack (founder of Erdle Corp. in Henrietta) and Norma, did not indicate what variety of stem cell research the donated funds, an sum of $1 million dollars, should be used for.

Adult Stem Cell Therapy Holds Great Promise for Man with Ailing Heart
Main Street News
August 9, 2006
Richard has congestive heart failure. This disease affects his heart's ability to pump sufficient blood to suit the body's daily needs. Ultimately, the disease will progress to the point where the heart becomes weaker and weaker to a point of failure. That is why on August 16th, Richard a Braselton resident, and his wife Terre will fly to Thailand to receive stem cell therapy in Bangkok.

Thailand Breaks New Ground - Plans Stem-Cell Therapy
The Nation
August 4, 2006
For the first time in the country, Thailand is planning to conduct clinical trials to treat three major neural diseases confirmed the Prasat Neurological Institute. Maiyadhaj described that the procedures involve transplanting developed stem cells into the patients' central nervous system.

Stem Cell Trial Proves Successful
BBC News
August 4, 2006
In a ground-breaking trial at a Shropshire hospital, patients with complicated bone fractures are being helped to evade permanent disability. The trial is set to involve 40 patients. Twelve have taken part.

Stem-Cell Therapy: The All Encompassing Cure?
The Independent
August 1, 2006
Science fiction was once the genre that best fit stem cell therapy. But for patients suffering from conditions as varied as cancer, heart disease, broken bones, and paralysis, stem cell therapy may soon become science fact. Around 600 clinical trials are presently underway worldwide involving stem cells.

Robotic Surgery Techniques Deliver Stem Cells - Cardiac Cell Therapy Research
University of Minnesota
July 31, 2006
Researchers effectively used robotic surgery to deliver stem cell treatment to damaged heart tissue in pigs at the University of Minnesota. In six of seven cases, the transplant process was successful. The cells took hold and enhanced functioning of the heart as following MRI studies showed.

A 70-Year-Old Poster Boy for Science - Man Saved by the Stem Cell
Grand Forks Herald
July 31, 2006
Mike Swendseid had an angioplasty, triple-bypass heart surgery. Inside him were four wires, two stents, a pacemaker and a defibrillator. He had apparently run out of options in battling heart disease. However, science delivered a response. At the Minneapolis Heart Institute which is part of Abbott Northwestern Hospital, the 70-year-old Swendseid became a recipient of experimental stem cell treatment in January.

World's First, Athens to Host Revolutionary Stem Cell Transplant
July 26, 2006
A four year old boy will become the recipient of stem cells taken from the umbilical cord of his baby sister who was just born last week in Athens. The boy is suffering from chronic granulomatous disease. Being carried out by geneticist Costas Pangalos and gynecologist Costas Pantos, the procedure will be the world's first for this specific disease.

Is it Worth it? Answers About Cord-Blood Storage
The Orange County Register
July 22, 2006
Does your baby's umbilical cord hold a miracle? With the probability of a baby or a sibling (who has a 25 percent chance of being a viable match) becoming sick, an industry grew around parents' banking their own babies' cord blood as new treatments utilizing stem cells developed.

What Great News! Embryonic Stem Cells Unnecessary!
WorldNetDaily Exclusive
July 22, 2006
The recent veto by President George Bush that denied extra federal funding for research conducted on embryonic stem cells, along with the clamor and backlash the decision faced from scientists, politicians, and various institutions has all but confirmed the importance of embryonic stem cells. Is that not right? Perhaps not, as commentator Pat Boone recently found out. The fact is embryonic stem cells may not be as important as we all think.

Non-Controversial Stem Cell Research Thrives
McClatchy Newspapers
July 21, 2006
Emily Nicole Simmons was born June 6, in Northwest Medical Center in Broward County, her parents and her doctor gave her a special gift. Among the earliest in the nation to do so, Emily's parents, Matt and Rosa Simmons of Margate, Fla., banked stem cells collected from the placenta that surrounded their baby before her birth.

Mother to Bush - Son is Symptom Free Due to Stem Cell Treatment
Suburban Chicago news
July 20, 2006
Her son received the infusion and immediately showed significant signs of improvement. Since October, the Batavia mother has tried to spread the story of her son to the masses, and now she had the chance to tell President Bush.

Girl Flies to China for Stem Cell Treatment
Newsquest Media Group Newspapers
July 19, 2006
Sacha Skinner, a five-year-old girl afflicted with the rare Batten Disease, is to have pioneering stem cell surgery in Shenyang, northern China. The procedure will consist of weekly spinal column injections, each comprised of 10 million stem cells, for the duration of one month.

Safety of Spinal Cord Stem Cell Transplant Established
Medical Studies/Trials
July 19, 2006
According to University of California - Irvine researchers, transplanting human embryonic stem cells is not harmful and can serve as a therapeutic approach for the treatment of severe spinal cord injury. Identical data published by four other laboratories in the world show that rats with either mild or severe spinal cord injuries that were transplanted with a treatment derived from human embryonic stem cells suffered no visible injury or ill effects as a result of the treatment itself.

Human Hair Follicles Source for Multipotent Stem Cells
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
July 12, 2006
New sources of adult stem cells appear to have the potential to differentiate into several cell types. Isolated by researchers at the University Of Pennsylvania School Of Medicine, the cells could one day provide the tissue required by individuals for treating a multitude of disorders.

Stem Cell Research to Combat Australia's #1 Killer
The Advertiser
July 11, 2006
Cardiovascular disease is Australia's number one killer, but those afflicted by the disease may soon have optimism due to research conducted in Adelaide using stem cells. Cells harvested from their own bone marrow will give patients a new treatment options utilizing purified stem cell technology.

Adult Stem Cells Help to Prevent Amputation
Indy Star
July 11, 2006
PAD is a vascular disorder that affects the blood circulation in the arms, legs, feet, stomach, and kidneys. Normally a disease that requires amputation of the affected body part, Indiana University doctors are pioneering a novel method to prevent and avert such permanent treatment using a patient's own stem cells.

MS Sufferer Scott to Undergo Cord Blood Stem-Cell Treatment
Leicester Mercury (UK)
July 6, 2006
Scott is on his way to Holland to undergo the first stage of a stem-cell based treatment that he hopes will transform his life and defeat his terminal illness. Unable to feed himself and confined to a wheelchair, Scott hopes the injections will help him walk again.

Experimental Procedure Brings Hope to Man
The News Journal
July 4, 2006
At the Hosptial de Egas Moniz in Lisbon, Portugal, Yaros underwent an olfactory mucosa autograph - a type of stem cell surgery. Researchers believe that the transplanted stem cells in this procedure can help repair a damaged spinal cord.

Stem Cell Treatment Study for Peripheral Artery Disease Underway
Indiana University
February 10, 2006
PAD affects blood circulation, generally in the legs resulting in sores, ulcers, and in some cases amputations. For those that are suffering, a unique clinical trial being conducted at the University of Indiana involving stem cell injections as a treatment may be the answer.

Sight Restored! Stem Cell Therapy Returns Vision to Legally Blind Man
Hickory Daily Record
June 3, 2005
After years of living with foggy colors and blurred shapes, Greg can see clearly. He was unable to read or drive a car four years ago. But his outlook changed, quite literally, due to stem cell therapy. He can now see with almost perfect vision. In 2002, using stem cells from umbilical cord blood and no embryonic stem cells, Greg, 48, began stem cell therapy. He later had a corneal transplant and the morning of his surgery he was unable to read even a single word. That very afternoon, he was reading a magazine for the first time in 20 years.


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