Stem Cell Treatment News Blog
Stem Cell News
Anthrogenesis Receives Another Patent for Placental Stem Cell Innovation
December 23, 2008
Anthrogenesis Corporation, a division of Celgene, is awarded yet another U.S. patent for inventions related to methods of deriving adult stem cells from human placentas.
U.S. Doctor Plans Stem Cell Fact-Finding Mission to China
Sun Newspapers
December 20, 2008
A U.S. doctor has been invited to visit China as part of a fact-finding mission on the current state of stem cell therapies that are only available outside of the United States.
Neuralstem Files FDA Application for ALS Adult Stem Cell Trial
December 18, 2008
The stem cell company Neuralstem has filed an application with the FDA to begin the first clinical trials ever to be conducted with adult stem cells in the treatment of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
Adult Bone Marrow Stem Cells Treat Heart Failure in an Infant
Journal of Pediatric Transplantation
December 15, 2008
A 2-year-old infant improves after receiving an autologous adult stem cell treatment for dilated cardiomyopathy.
Genzyme Receives FDA Approval for Mozobil
Press Release
December 15, 2008
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has granted marketing approval for Mozobil, Genzyme's patented drug which stimulates the mobilization of autologous adult stem cells, and which is now available for use in the treatment of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and multiple myeloma.
New Vatican Document Offers Strong Support for Adult Stem Cells
The Vatican
December 12, 2008
A new publication issued by the Vatican has high praise for adult stem cell research and therapies, but not for embryonic stem cell research.
Adult Stem Cells are Going to the Dogs, Cats and Horses
ABC News
December 10, 2008
While the treatment of people with stem cells is still somewhat of a controversial topic, veterinary applications of stem cell therapy are enjoying unbridled enthusiasm and success.
A Possible Prostrate Cancer Stem Cell is Identified
December 7, 2008
Researchers move one step closer to understanding the origin of prostate cancer cells.
New Study Sheds Light on the Mysteries of the Bone Marrow Stem Cell Niche
December 5, 2008
Researchers at the Linheng Li Lab of the Stowers Institute have identified the precise location of the bone marrow stem cell niche, thereby solving a widely regarded mystery.
ALS Improved by Antioxidants
Cell Stem Cell
December 4, 2008
Scientists at the Salk Institute have demonstrated with human stem cells that an antioxidant commonly found in plants can improve amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig's disease.
Osiris Completes Enrollment in First Worldwide Phase III Stem Cell Trial
December 4, 2008
The adult stem cell company Osiris Therapeutics accomplishes an historic milestone by completing patient enrollment in the first phase III clinical trial ever to be conducted with adult stem cells in the treatment of Graft versus Host Disease.
Adult Stem Cell Therapy Rejuvenates Aging Pooch
Phoenix Animal News
December 4, 2008
Once again, man's best friend proves that adult stem cells are the best therapy of choice for discriminating patients.
Scientists Prove Endothelial Cells are the Source of Blood Stem Cells
Cell Stem Cell
December 4, 2008
Researchers at UCLA have settled a long-standing debate by discovering exactly when and where the body manufactures blood stem cells.
Cancer Stem Cells Revisited
December 4, 2008
A new study clarifies certain misconceptions about cancer stem cells.
Adult Stem Cells from Bone Marrow Offer Therapy for Skin Disorder
December 4, 2008
Adult stem cells derived from bone marrow have been shown to be therapeutic in the treatment of a rare skin disease.
Caveat Emptor: New Guidelines are Issued to Protect Patients Against Bogus Stem Cell Therapies
Washington Post
December 3, 2008
Although legitimate adult stem cell therapies are already available, there is also no shortage of bogus stem cell therapies which erroneously claim to offer benefits. But with a modest amount of intelligence and caution, patients and consumers can easily distinguish between that which is real and that which is bogus.
Adult Stem Cells from Skeletal Muscle Repair Heart Tissue and Offer a Wide Range of Other Therapeutic Applications
Journal of the American College of Cardiology
December 2, 2008
In a study which demonstrates the vast and broad potential of regenerative medicine, with clinical applications that extend to a wide range of diseases, researchers at Children's Hospital in Pittsburgh announce that human adult stem cells derived from skeletal muscle have successfully repaired damaged heart tissue more effectively than previously studied therapies.
European Agency Rules Against Human Embryonic Stem Cell Patents
November 27, 2008
European regulators have passed a controversial ruling that forbids the issuing of patents for human embryonic stem cells.
New Trachea Grown from Autologous Adult Stem Cells
The Lancet
November 26, 2008
Doctors announce the successful reconstruction of a trachea from autologous adult stem cells.
Adult Stem Cells Successfully Treat Pulmonary Hypertension
Wall Street Journal
November 26, 2008
Doctors announce the successful treatment of pulmonary hypertension with autologous adult stem cells in a clinical trial.
Embryologist and Stem Cell Pioneer Forms New Company
November 25, 2008
The father of embryonic stem cell science, Dr. James Thomson, merges 3 stem cell companies together into one new commercial endeavor.
Adult Stem Cells from Fat Protect the Brain Against Injury
Stem Cells
November 20, 2008
An international team of researchers demonstrates the neurologically protective properties of adult stem cells derived from adipose tissue.
Membrane Voltage Changes Control Timing of Stem Cell Differentiation
November 17
Scientists discover the important role that voltage changes across membranes play in stem cell differentiation.
Liver Stem Cell Line Launched Onboard Space Shuttle
Wall Street Journal
November 17, 2008
The biotech company HepaLife launches its PICM-19 liver stem cell line into outer space aboard the space shuttle Endeavor.
Cord Blood Adult Stem Cells to Repair Heart Valve Defects in Babies
November 15, 2008
Cardiologists in Germany have pioneered a new procedure for the use of adult stem cells derived from umbilical cord blood to grow new heart valves for the repair of congenital heart defects in newborns.
Cardiovascular Disease Successfully Treated With Patients' Own Adult Stem Cells
Wall Street Journal
November 14, 2008
A U.S. cardiologist reports the successful treatment of patients with cardiovascular disease using autologous adult stem cells.
New Stem Cells Identified for Regenerating Liver Tissue
November 14, 2008
The discovery of a protein marker leads to the isolation of liver stem cells.
Business is Booming as Pfizer Targets the Aging Processs With New Adult Stem Cell Research
Bloomberg Press
November 14, 2008
As yet another indication of the economic maturation of an industry, the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer is now developing anti-aging stem cell products.
AIDS Patient Cured by Adult Stem Cell Treatment
The New York Times
November 14, 2008
Doctors in Berlin announce the cure of a man with AIDS, after having treated him with adult stem cells derived from the blood of a person with a natural resistance to the disease.
An Adult Stem Cell Company Wins Award for Innovation
November 14, 2008
The biotech company Mesoblast Ltd., specializing in regenerative medicine, is awarded a prestigious award for its adult stem cell technology.
Brain Tissue Formed From Monkey Teeth Stem Cells
Stem Cells
November 12, 2008
Researchers at Emory University have successfully generated several types of neural cells from the dental pulp of monkeys.
Therapeutic Immune Response Identified From Cancer Stem Cells
November 12, 2008
Scientists propose a new type of cancer therapy based upon an immunological response to a specific type of cancer stem cell.
FDA Grants Clearance for the First Clinical Study With Placental Stem Cells
The Wall Street Journal
November 10, 2008
Celgene Cellular Therapeutics receives FDA authorization to commence the first clinical trials ever to be conducted in the U.S. with adult stem cells derived from placental blood.
Opexa to Present Data on its Cellular Therapies for Autoimmune Diseases
The Wall Street Journal
November 10, 2008
Opexa Therapeutics is scheduled to present an overview of its T-cell and adult stem cell therapies for autoimmune diseases at an annual health care conference.
Genzyme and Osiris Form Adult Stem Cell Mega-Partnership
Wall Street Journal
November 5, 2008
In one of the largest business arrangements ever made, Osiris and Genzyme agree upon a major adult stem cell collaboration.
New Study Demonstrates Important Role of Endogenous Stem Cells in Angiogenesis
Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology
October 30, 2008
Researchers in Japan demonstrate that adult stem cells derived from adipose tissue stimulate angiogenesis through the mobilization of endogenous bone marrow stem cells.
Adult Stem Cell Company to Begin Clinical Trials for Critical Limb Ischemia
Wall Street Journal
October 28, 2008
Harvest Technologies has received FDA authorization to commence the first clinical trials with autologous adult stem cells in the treatment of critical limb ischemia.
Excessive Embryonic Stem Cell Bias Forces Leading British Scientist Out of Country
The Times Higher Education
October 23, 2008
The renowned adult stem cell expert, Dr. Colin McGuckin of Newcastle, England, is permanently relocating his laboratory and staff to France, citing an unjustified bias toward embryonic stem cell research in the UK, to the detriment of adult stem cell work.
The Potentiation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells Improves Cardiac Regeneration
Circulation Research
October 23, 2008
Scientists increase the efficacy of mesenchymal stem cells through a process of molecular "supercharging" for the therapeutic regeneration of heart tissue following myocardial infarction.
Scientists Discover Link Between Stem Cells, Aging, and Cancer
October 21, 2008
A molecular link has been found between specific genes that regulate aging, cancer, and stem cell activity.
Australian Scientists Derive Heart Muscle From Fat Cells
October 19, 2008
Scientists in Melbourne announce the creation of beating heart muscle from human fat.
Massive Quantities of Embryonic-Like Stem Cells Mass-Produced from a Single Human Hair
Nature Biotechnology
October 18, 2008
Scientists report a new and highly efficient, improved procedure for the reprogramming of adult human somatic cells into iPS (induced pluripotent stem) cells.
The Stem Cell Political Agenda
Boston Globe
October 17, 2008
The politics of stem cells are reviewed within the context of the current U.S. presidential election.
Hundreds of Stem Cell Research Labs Springing Up Everywhere
Chicago Tribune
October 17, 2008
Now that it is possible to create pluripotent stem cells without the need for embryos, stem cell research labs are springing up by the hundreds - despite the fact that one critical problem still remains.
Neuralstem Licenses Technology for Spinal Cord Treatment
Medical News Today
October 15, 2008
The stem cell company Neuralstem, Inc., announces the licensing of patents for the delivery of targeted spinal cord therapeutics.
Cells Similar to Embryonic Stem Cells Created from Human Testes
October 8, 2008
European researchers have coaxed testicular sperm-producing cells into new cells that behave like embryonic stem cells.
Pfizer Expands Into Stem Cell Research
October 1, 2008
Lured by the promise of financial profit, the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer joins the stem cell community.
The Father of Embryonic Stem Cell Science Issues Words of Caution
Wisconsin Technology Network
September 22, 2008
At the start of a major conference, the man who first introduced embryonic stem cells to the world delivers a cautionary message.
New, Improved Method Announced for Creating Induced Pluripotency in Adult Cells
Cell Stem Cell
September 11, 2008
The combined results of two independent groups of researchers represent major progress in the development of safer, more efficiently produced iPS (induced pluripotent stem) cells.
Stem Cell Research Institute and Cord Blood Bank Opens in U.K.
BBC News
September 11, 2008
Plans are underway at The Anthony Nolan Trust Cord Blood Bank at Nottingham Trent University in England for a major processing and storage facility of cord blood.
BioTime to Discuss Recent Acquisitions of Stem Cell Technology Licenses
Business Wire
September 11, 2008
Michael West, CEO of BioTime, Inc., schedules key stem cell licensing topics for conference call.
Embryonic Stem Cell Company Burdened With Debt
Boston Herald
September 9, 2008
A controversial embryonic stem cell company in Massachusetts fights to survive as it struggles with increasing debt.
Creators of Dolly the Sheep and iPS Cells are Awarded the "Asian Nobel Prize"
Agence France-Presse
September 9, 2008
Sir Ian Wilmut and Dr. Shinya Yamanaka are among those honored at a glittering ceremony in Hong Kong for their pioneering work.
NeoStem CEO Invited to Address Medical Tourism at Conference
The Wall Street Journal
September 8, 2008
NeoStem CEO, Dr. Robin Smith, will speak about "medical tourism" at the 2008 World Stem Cell Summit.
Scientists Compare Pluripotent Cell Isolation and Properties
September 8, 2008
In a visually dramatic graphical representation, Drs. Rudolf Jaenisch and Christopher Lengner describe and contrast the properties of embryonic stem cells and pluripotent cells derived from non-embryonic sources.
Identity of Mature Cells Successfully Changed
August 27, 2008
Scientists have transformed one type of adult cell into another type, without the use of stem cells.
Stanford Researchers Announce Immune Problems With Embryonic Stem Cells
Scientific American
August 22, 2008
Researchers at Stanford University have once again confirmed problems with immune rejection that are inherent in embryonic stem cells.
Advanced Cell Technology and BioTime Enter Patent Licensing Agreement
August 21, 2008
Two major biotech companies in the stem cell industry sign yet another licensing agreement.
Medistem Develops New Adult Stem Cell Therapy for Saving Limbs
Journal of Translational Medicine
August 19, 2008
The biotech company Medistem demonstrates the therapeutic value of allogeneic endometrial regenerative cells in the treatment of critical limb ischemia.
Harvard Scientists Engineer Disease-Specific Pluripotent Cell Lines Without the Use of Stem Cells
August 18, 2008
The Harvard Stem Cell Institute announces the creation of 20 new, non-stem cell, cell lines which target specific diseases.
Pluristem's Adult Stem Cell Product Shows Promise as Therapy for Multiple Sclerosis
Business Wire
August 11, 2008
The biotech company Pluristem Therapeutics has developed an adult stem cell product for the prevention of clinical symptoms of multiple sclerosis.
Mesenchymal Stem Cells Treat Restenosis
Journal of Cell Physiology
August 8, 2008
Adult stem cells derived from bone marrow are used to treat restenosis in an animal model.
Stem Cells From Tooth Promote the Formation of Neural Cells
Stem Cells
August 7, 2008
Adult stem cells taken from the dental pulp of teeth have been shown to promote the proliferation and differentiation of endogenous neural cells in an animal model.
Adult Stem Cells Heal Broken Legs
The Age (Australia)
August 6, 2008
Nine people with broken legs are healed with their own stem cells.
Injured Race Horse Recovers and Races Again After Adult Stem Cell Therapy
The Age (Australia)
July 31, 2008
Following a severe tendon injury, which usually marks the end of a racing career for a horse, a race horse has fully recovered and is now racing again, after being treated with his own stem cells.
Physical Exercise Stimulates Stem Cells to Create New Brain Cells
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
July 20, 2008
Researchers find more evidence indicating that physical exercise protects the brain against age-related memory loss.
Two Leading Biotech Companies Collaborate on a Department of Defense Contract for Adult Stem Cell Applications in Warfare
July 14, 2008
In an effort to develop adult stem cell therapies that are specifically targeted to counteracting the biological dangers of nuclear warfare, the U.S. Deparment of Defense has awarded a $224.7 million contract to an Osiris-Genzyme partnership.
FDA Authorizes Device for Bone Marrow Stem Cell Preparation
July 14, 2008
A leading manufacturer of medical machinery that is used in the processing of stem cells has received FDA approval for the marketing of its newest device.
Stem Cells from Umbilical Cord Blood are Used in Cancer Therapy
Kansas State University Press Release
July 14, 2008
Adult stem cells derived from umbilical cord blood are utilized to transport anti-cancer drugs directly into tumors.
Stem Cell Therapy Goes To The Dogs
Ivanhoe Broadcast News, Florida
July 14, 2008
Man's best friend proves to be an excellent candidate for adult stem cell therapies that may also be helpful for humans.
Mice with Muscular Dystrophy Improve after Adult Stem Cell Treatment
July 11, 2008
Scientists at the Joslin Diabetes Center in Boston offer the first evidence that adult stem cells derived from muscle constitute a viable therapy for muscular dystrophy in an animal model.
Large-Scale Adult Stem Cell Trials Planned for Children With Sickle Cell Anemia
Washington University Press Release
July 11, 2008
Researchers at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis lead a nationwide, multicenter clinical trial to study the efficacy of adult stem cell therapy in the treatment of children with sickle cell anemia.
Indian Company Plans Off-The-Shelf General Stem Cell Therapy
Manipal Media Network
July 8, 2008
Stempeutics Research, headquartered near Bangalore, India, is currently developing broad stem cell therapies that are applicable to a wide variety of diseases.
Adult Stem Cells Used in the Largest Clinical Trials Ever to be Conducted for Congestive Heart Failure
CBS News
June 30, 2008
Doctors in south Florida commence a large-scale study to investigate the efficacy of adult stem cell therapy in the treatment of over 300 patients with congestive heart failure.
Pfizer Funds New Company for the Development of New Stem Cell Therapy for Eye Diseases
June 23, 2008
The pharmaceutical company Pfizer is helping to create a new company dedicated to the development of adult stem cell therapies for diabetes-induced retinal damage.
Stem Cells Discovered in Surface of Heart
June 22, 2008
Researchers discover stem cell precursors of cardiomyocytes located in the outer layer of heart tissue.
Veterinarians Achieve Success With Adult Stem Cell Therapy in Animals
ABC News Chicago
May 20, 2008
As crippled horses, dogs and cats show dramatic improvement after being treated with adult stem cell therapy, their progress parallels similar advancements for humans.
Doctors in India Use Mesenchymal Stem Cells to Treat Spinal Cord Injuries
May 19, 2008
With newer, improved techniques for the administration of adult stem cells, an already viable therapy is made even more effective in the treatment of devastating spinal cord injuries.
Adult Stem Cells Identified in Bladder
American Journal of Physiology
May 19, 2008
Scientists at UC-Davis Children's Hospital are the first to identify stem cells in the adult human bladder.
FDA Postpones First U.S. Clinical Trial of Embryonic Stem Cells
New York Times
May 15, 2008
Plans for the first clinical trial in the U.S. ever to be conducted with embryonic stem cells have now been postponed by the FDA.
Researchers Report First Successful Creation of Heart Tissue From Adult Heart Stem Cells
Stem Cell Research
April 25, 2008
Scientists in the Netherlands are the first to isolate stem cells from the adult human heart, from which they were then able to grow new heart tissue.
Stem Cells From Menstrual Blood Offer New Hope in Organ Transplantation and in the Treatment of Numerous Diseases
Cell Transplantation
April 23, 2008
Stromal cells found in menstrual blood offer a highly preferable alternative therapy to a number of diseases including those requiring organ transplantation.
Adult Stem Cell Company Selected for Prestigious Conference in Israel
April 23, 2008
The biotech company Pluristem Therapeutics Inc., specializing in adult stem cells, has been chosen to present at the First Annual Israeli Presidential Conference.
Neural Stem Cells Discovered in Adult Human Spinal Cord
April 21, 2008
An intercultural consortium of researchers from across the European Union issues the first report identifying neural stem cells in the adult human spinal cord.
President Bush Addresses National Catholic Prayer Breakfast
U.S. News & World Report
April 18, 2008
U.S. President George W. Bush speaks on abortion, embryonic stem cell research, and other topics at the 5th annual National Catholic Prayer Breakfast held in Washington, D.C. this morning.
Stem Cells from Menstrual Blood Differentiate into Cells Resembling Cardiac Precursor Cells
Stem Cells
April 17, 2008
A team of researchers in Japan has succeeded in differentiating cardiac precursor-like cells from mesenchymal stem cells that were derived from human menstrual blood.
Phase III Clinical Trials Begin With Cord Blood Stem Cells in the Treatment of Metabolic Disorders in Pediatric Patients
April 16, 2008
The biotech company Aldagen Inc. has announced the beginning of Phase III clinical trials in which the first pediatric patient has been treated with a proprietary adult stem cell product specifically developed as a therapeutic modality for inherited metabolic diseases.
Parathyroid Hormone Mobilizes Endogenous Stem Cells in the Treatment of Critical Limb Ischemia
Nature Clinical Practice Cardiovascular Medicine
April 15, 2008
Researchers in Italy have successfully mobilized stem cells that naturally reside in the body to treat critical limb ischemia in an animal model.
Adult Stem Cells Show Positive Results in a Pre-Clinical Study of Multiple Sclerosis
April 14, 2008
The biotech company Pluristem Therapeutics Inc. has found improvement in an animal model of multiple sclerosis with the use of a therapeutic product developed from mesenchymal stromal cells.
Cautionary Response Issued for Clinical Trials With Embryonic Stem Cells
MIT Technology Review
April 11, 2008
As the first clinical trials ever to be conducted in the U.S. with embryonic stem cells are about to commence, FDA regulators convene a special meeting to debate the inherent risks and dangers.
Adult Stem Cells Show Positive Results in a Pre-Clinical Study of Ischemic Stroke
April 7, 2008
The biotech company Pluristem Therapeutics Inc. has found improvement in an animal model of ischemic stroke with the use of a therapeutic product developed from mesenchymal stromal cells.
An Adult Stem Cell Bill Advances in the Colorado State Legislature
March 31, 2008
Scientists, doctors, patients and lawmakers work together to draft a state law that would expedite the storage and therapeutic administration of umbilical cord blood stem cells.
Alzheimer's Slowed by Stem Cells From Umbilical Cord Blood
Stem Cells and Development
March 30, 2008
Stem Cells derived from umbilical cord blood are found to slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease in mice.
Mesenchymal Stem Cells Discovered in the Eye
Molecular Vision: Biology and Genetics in Vision Research
March 30, 2008
The discovery of mesenchymal stem cells in the eye has vast implications.
Neuronal Tissue Created From Uterine Stem Cells Used in the Treatment of Parkinson's Disease
Medical News Today
March 28, 2008
Researchers at the Yale School of Medicine report groundbreaking findings in the differentiation of uterine stem cells into neuronal tissue.
Disease Susceptibility Traced to Specific Genes in Human Embryonic Stem Cells
Science Daily
March 28, 2008
Scientists at UCLA describe a method for screening embryonic stem cell lines for genes that may increase the risk of disease.
Stem Cells in Bone Marrow Discovered to Play a Role in Recovery From Respiratory Disease
Current Opinion in Pharmacology
March 25, 2008
Researchers in London have discovered how stem cells from the bone marrow are automatically mobilized by diseases of the lung.
Successful Treatment of Critical Limb Ischemia With Adult Stem Cells Wins Award
March 22, 2008
Physicians in Cuba have been awarded for their successful treatment of critical limb ischemia with autologous adult stem cell therapy.
Insulin, Aging and Lifespan
March 21, 2008
Harvard researchers discover a previously unknown role that insulin plays in health and longevity.
Multiple Sclerosis Patient Improves With Autologous Adult Stem Cell Transplant
March 17, 2008
A 24-year-old Canadian with MS shows significant improvement after being rescued with her own adult stem cells following chemotherapy treatment.
Members of Congress are Briefed on the Successes of Adult Stem Cell Therapy
March 13, 2008
In an unusually amiable mixture of politics and science, researchers who are working with adult stem cells, and patients who have been successfully treated with adult stem cell therapy, appeared before members of Congress.
Adult Stem Cells Partially Reverse Parkinson's Disease in Rats
Neurochemistry International
March 10, 2008
Researchers in France have reported a partial yet significant recovery from Parkinson's disease in rats that were treated with adult mesenchymal stem cells.
Stem Cell Therapy Applied to Iraq War Injuries
March 10, 2008
Stem cell therapy is currently being developed for the regeneration of tissue and, perhaps someday, even of limbs, in the treatment of injuries in Iraq war veterans.
Adult Dog Bone Formed From Puppy Teeth
March 8, 2008
Researchers in Japan have regenerated the jawbone of adult dogs using stem cells from the teeth of puppies.
Stem Cell Therapy Could Eliminate the Need for Surgical Joint Replacement
March 6, 2008
Orthopedic surgery may soon be a thing of the past, as biology is replacing metal as the preferred tool in the repair of diseased and injured joints
Blood Stem Cells Found to Originate in Placenta
Cell Stem Cell
March 6, 2008
Researchers at UCLA believe they have discovered a placental location for the origin of the stem cells that produce all the types of blood cells.
Thalassemia Patient Recovers After Cord Blood Stem Cell Therapy
Sahara Samay
March 6, 2008
A 4-year-old boy suffering from a hereditary blood disease is cured after being treated with his sister's cord blood.
Toxins in Cigarette Smoke Inhibit Stem Cells
University of Rochester Medical Center
March 4, 2008
Smoking has been known to interfere with the healing of bone, and now new research sheds light on the chemical mechanisms underlying this phenomenon.
The Lifetime Probability of Needing Stem Cell Therapy is Higher Than Previously Reported
Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation
March 4, 2008
Previous reports projecting future estimates for stem cell therapy are now believed to have been inaccurately low, according to new data.
Mesenchymal Stem Cells Applied to Wound Healing
Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
March 2008
In a novel type of therapy, mesenchymal stem cells are found to expedite wound healing.
Stem Cells Expedite the Healing of Severe Bone Fractures
February 28, 2008
Scientists in the U.K. have invented a new method for using a patient's own adult stem cells to heal severely damaged bone and cartilage.
Multiple Sclerosis Treated With Adult Stem Cells
ABC News,
February 27, 2008
A man who had suffered from multiple sclerosis for nearly a decade says that his symptoms are gone after being treated with adult stem cell therapy.
Adult Stem Cells Show Positive Results in the Treatment of Autoimmune, Vascular and Cardiac Diseases
Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA),
February 27, 2008
A review of the medical literature yields positive conclusions for the clinical use of adult stem cells in the treatment of some of the most serious of diseases.
A Link Discovered Between Stem Cells and Immunity
Cell Stem Cell
February 26, 2008
The same gene that stimulates stem cells to manufacture blood cells is also involved in protecting against infection.
Embryonic Stem Cell Therapy for Diabetic Mice Proves Problematic
New York Times
February 21, 2008
Once again, embryonic stem cells have been found to cause the formation of tumors in laboratory animals, thereby bringing into serious question the safety and efficacy of embryonic stem cells as a possible therapy in the treatment of human disease.
Investment Firm Selects an Adult Stem Cell Company for its Sound Business Model
February 20, 2008
Once again, adult stem cells trump embryonic stem cells not only for scientific logic but also for financial common sense.
Discovery Made in Reprogramming Ordinary Cells Back Into Stem Cells
Cell Stem Cell
February 15, 2008
As the result of a recent discovery at Harvard, adult human cells may be safely reprogrammed into cells that behave as stem cells.
Use of Acidic Mesenchymal Stem Cells to Stimulate Production of Interleukin-8 in the Treatment of Some Types of Cancer
Journal of Cell Biochemistry
February 14, 2008
The low acidity of many types of tumors may allow selective destruction of the tumors with adult stem cells that stimulate the body's natural chemical defense mechanisms.
"Growing Miracles"
CBS Evening News
February 7, 2008
In the second half of a two-part series, CBS News correspondent Wyatt Andrews interviews doctors who are working to regrow missing limbs in American servicemen and women who have been wounded in Iraq.
"Grow Your Own Replacement Parts"
CBS Evening News
February 6, 2008
In the first half of a two-part series, CBS News correspondent Wyatt Andrews investigates the new field of regenerative medicine by visiting a laboratory in which body parts are manufactured from stem cells.
Discovery of the Mechanism by which Stem Cells are Released from Bone Marrow has Vast Implications in Health and Disease
February 6, 2008
Scientists have discovered the biological rhythms that regulate the release of stem cells from the bone marrow into the circulating blood, and which peak during periods of rest. The findings are important not only for the treatment of various diseases in patients with their own stem cells, but also in the maintenance of health and the prevention of cancer in healthy individuals.
Australian Spinal Cord Research Could Bring New Hope
Herald Sun
January 31, 2008
SPINAL cord injury sufferers have been given fresh hope of improved movement with the first Australian trial of a new adult stem cell treatment.
Liver Repaired Using Experimental Stem Cell Drug
Gulf News
January 30, 2008
A 20-year old Abu Dhabi man's liver repaired itself and is now fully recovered after doctors gave him an experimental stem cell drug.
Stroke Damage Recovery with Adult Stem Cells
Associated Press
January 29, 2008
Researchers in Korea, Canada and China have reached the same conclusion: Transplanted stem cells can help stroke victims recover faster and more fully.
Brittle Bone Disease and Stem Cells
Daily Mail
January 28, 2008
Scientists have discovered how stem cell therapy could treat brittle bone disease in the womb, it was announced today. Experiments on mice found they suffered fewer bone fractures following treatment with stem cells.
Heart Failure Recovery Boosted by Stem Cells
Kansas City Infozine
January 26, 2008
A study in the Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology published by Wiley-Blackwell shows that administration of adult bone marrow stem cells (BMC) and mesenchymal stems cells (MSC) can aid in the recovery of myocardial infarction (MI) - commonly known as heart attack - and consequently increase survival rates.
Stem Cell Heart Trial Receives Approval
January 24, 2008
British surgeons will next month begin ground-breaking research which could lead to improved chances of survival and quality of life for millions of heart attack patients. A team at Bristol University has been given the go ahead to inject stem cells into the hearts of patients during bypass operations.
Dying Legs Treated with Human Stem Cells
Senior Journal
January 23, 2008
Two patients facing possible leg amputation have become the first to be treated by transplanting a purified form of the subjects' own adult stem cells into the leg muscles with severely blocked arteries in hopes new small blood vessels will grow and restore circulation in the legs. This was the launch by Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine of the first U.S. trial of the technique that has worked in laboratory animals.
Heart Treatment with iPS Cells - Joint Japanese Research
The Yomiuri Shimbun
January 21, 2008
Two professors from Kyoto and Osaka universities will jointly research the use of induced pluripotent stem cells, or iPS cells, and cell sheets to treat heart disease. The joint research will be carried out by Kyoto University Prof. Shinya Yamanaka, who created iPS cells that can develop into various types of cells, such as organ or tissue cells, from ordinary human skin, and Osaka University Prof. Yoshiki Sawa, who has treated heart disease using cell sheets created from muscle.
Japanese Stem Cell Research Surges
The Australian
January 20, 2008
Six years ago the Koizumi government adopted a biotechnology strategy intended to guide Japan back to leadership in the field. It was not the first such national policy initiative, and we are on the verge of another as the current administration tries to capitalise on an exciting stem cell breakthrough.
Stem Cell Activation During Hair Regeneration
University of Southern California
January 18, 2008
Researchers at the University of Southern California (USC) have identified a novel cyclic signaling in the dermis that coordinates stem cell activity and regulates regeneration in large populations of hairs in animal models. The signaling switch involves bone morphogenetic protein (Bmp) pathway, according to the study that will be published in the Jan. 17 issue of the journal Nature.
New Stem Cell Research Moves Towards Creating New Organs From Scratch
Edmonton Sun
January 16, 2008
The creation of human organs out of thin air like a scene out of a sci-fi movie may not be as far off as we think according to local heart experts who are quick to point out new American research. Dr. Jason Dyck and Dr. John Mullen of the Mazankowski Heart Institute are calling the research conducted by experts at the University of Minnesota ground breaking. The scientists at Minnesota were able to regrow a rat heart and bring it back to life.
Homing Stem Cells Created by Modification
U.S. News and World Report
January 14, 2008
U.S. researchers have found a way to modify the surface of stem cells to direct them to where they're needed, an advance that may prove useful in many areas of stem cell therapy.
First BioArtificial Heart Created: Major Breakthrough Could End Donor Organ Shortage
Telegraph Media Group Limited
January 13, 2008
Doctors have stripped down and refurbished a dead heart so that it can beat again, an unprecedented feat that could signal the beginning of the end of organ shortages. The world's first beating, retooled "bioartificial heart" is described today in the journal Nature Medicine by University of Minnesota researchers in research that could pave the way to a new treatment for the 22 million people worldwide who live with heart failure.
Heart Failure Treatment with Adult Stem Cells
January 12, 2008
There may be hope for those people with severe coronary artery disease who is at great risk for heart attacks and progressive heart failure -- those people where surgeries, stents, and other treatments haven't helped. Doctors at Chicago's Rush University Medical Center are testing something they hope will help - injections of stem cells.
Stem Cells for Spinal Cord Injury
The Hindu
January 11, 2008
After curing a heart patient through stem cell therapy, a city hospital has treated a 38-year old woman of spinal cord injuries using the same system. The woman had sustained a spinal cord injury, following a road accident, resulting in paralysis below the neck, without any movement in the limbs, Dr G Bhaktavasalam, Chairman, K G Hospital, told reporters here on Friday.
Animal Stem Cell Treatment Freedoms May Lead to Benefits for Humans
The Raw Story
January 10, 2008
It is also possible to use stem cells from a person's own body. ABC's Nightline reports that this type of stem cell therapy is already in regular use for animals, where there is less regulation than for humans and research has progressed far more quickly.
Stem Cell Bank Proposed by Japanese Researcher
Scientific American
January 9, 2008
Creating a bank to store a new type of stem cell produced from donors' ordinary skin cells could help reduce time and money for treating patients with regenerative medicine in the future, a Japanese researcher said on Wednesday. This would be more practical than tailor-made treatments for individual patients, said Shinya Yamanaka of Kyoto University.
Mainstream Adult Stem Cell Treatment Access Less than a Decade Away
Agence France-Presse
January 8, 2008
On Wednesday, a Japanese scientist who recently broke new ground in the field of stem cells said that the technology could be used to cure diseases and heal injuries within 10 years. Shinya Yamanaka of Kyoto University said the new technology is so simple that many laboratories are competing to make further breakthroughs.
Umbilical Cord Blood Bill Proposed by MP
BBC News
January 7, 2008
An MP is to launch a bid to get doctors to offer parents the option of storing their baby's umbilical cord blood. Tory MP David Burrowes is to present a bill to Parliament about the potentially life-saving technique.
Success Builds for Adult Stem Cell Treatments
January 6, 2008
Research from the American Academy of Pediatrics shows that transplant doctors are increasingly using umbilical cord blood as a source of stem cells. And unlike embryonic stem cells, adult stem cells - including those found in umbilical cord blood - do not require the destruction of human life. There are no successful treatment trials in humans using embryonic stem cells.
Tremendous Progress with Adult Stem Cells in 2007
Family Research Council
January 5, 2008
2007 has seen further advances in adult stem cell research and therapy. Currently, peer-reviewed studies have documented over 1400 FDA approved trials for 73 different conditions in humans where patient health has been improved through adult stem cell therapy.
Stem Cells from Hair Roots Give Rise to New Skin
Science Daily
January 4, 2008
There is new hope for patients with chronic wounds: euroderm GmbH and the Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology IZI in Leipzig have been granted approval to produce artificial skin from patients' own cells.
Doctor Developing "Supercell" for Heart Treatment
The Globe and Mail
January 3, 2008
Dr. Yau is researching turning bone-marrow stem cells into preliminary heart cells. If successful, these "supercells" could be injected into a damaged heart area, where they would make the full conversion from heart-like stem cell to a regular heart cell.
MS Patient Improves Following Adult Stem Cell Treatment
January 2, 2008
Cathy Zuker resident of Michigan had Multiple Sclerosis for 27 years. Her condition was worst. She could not even walk for a short distance. But after the Stem Cell implant on May 21, 2007 her condition started improving.
Non-Profit Public Stem Cell Bank Opens in Chennai
The Hindu
January 1, 2008
City based Jeevan Blood Bank, a non profit company, will establish a Public Stem Cell Bank, which would provide high quality stem cells for treatment. 70 per cent of the capacity would be for public storage and 30 per cent for private storage. For private storage, people would pay for the service, which would be used for funding the public storage.
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